29. Ridzi Ka Vansh... ??

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Complete the title here!!->

Realisation hit him hard and he ran behind her taking her into his arms.

"Where is she?" Vansh asked her..

"She? She went away some days ago." The little girl exclaimed playing with the name column of his uniform.

"Days? What is your name?" Vansh asked her politely...but his hope increased which was clear by his smile.

"Inayat. And you know Ridzi ke Vansh. She said you will come someday to save Bharat Mata. Will you really do that?" She asked playing with his beared.

"Yes I will. For sure. Can you tell me what does your father do?" He asked so he could leave her back. "And don't come here alone from next time"

"Abba is also savior of Bharat Mata. He comes here daily so I thought to give him flowers for his good work. My home is at that side." She said pointing towards the entry on the jungle.

Vansh adjusted her in his arms and walked back with Inayat towards the railway station. Vansh didn't need to ask anything, she was herself busy telling him, like she knew and trusted him.

"Ridzi had your photo in little bag. She was very ill when she came with Papa and he took her back to her home." Vansh stopped when he heard her.

"Took her home?" Vansh asked and she nodded.

Comes here daily...


"Inayat can you take me to your house?" Vansh said and she nodded.

Vansh rushed out of the jungle and informed about his exit and going into the city. Shrinath tried to explain him that it's not safe, but he was adamant to meet Inayat' father...the savior of Bharat Mata.

"Mumma! Mumma" Inayat got down from his arms and rushed inside the little house made of mud, but colored with chalk powder liquid which was blue.

"See this is Ridzi ka Vansh!" Inayat came back pulling her mother's hands who was covering her face with dupatta in her hands.

Her eyes widened as soon as she saw Vansh, and pulled Inayat inside. Vansh slowly moved towards the house but she ran and closed the wooden doors.

"Open the doors please! Open the door!" Vansh banged the door several times but what he can hear was Inayat's mother scolding her.

"Any problem brother?" A man came and put his hand on Vansh's shoulder.

Vansh turned and gazed his appearance, and tue satisfactory smile on his face and smiled back, and then smirked.

"I am here for checking. I have strict orders to check houses in this area alloted to me." Vansh said and the man nodded, and knocked the door slowly.

"But...there are many houses before this, you didn't check them, did you?" He asked back.

"Like I said, ALLOTED to me. More people would be ok their way very soon." Vansh said and he again smiled.

"Shahina. Open the door." He said and the door opened.

Vansh carefully noticed the duo silently passing expressions to each other, he understood there was something.

"Please come sir." He said and made him enter the house, it was a very small place.
Vansh smiled at Inayat who was silently sitting in the kitchen, and went towards the bedroom. It was just a bed, a cupboard and a shelf of clothes.

Vansh bent to look under the bed, it was empty but filled with dust. Vansh totally disturbed the shelf throwing the clothes on the bed.

"Sorry for the mess...but I have no time." Vansh said and continued throwing clothes without even looking at what it was. Next he opened the small cupboard, it had Inayat's clothes, books and toys.

He pulled the cupboard a little, and pulled his books out, searched between the clothes and sighed. He found nothing.

Later he went back towards the small kitchen and pulled the stand of utensils into the hall. He created a full mess, he was getting more angrier founding nothing. He came to the hall, and looked st the stool. Everything was clear cut. He took off the paintings from the wall, as he knew there were small cabinets on the wall with some cash, a wallet and a polythene of paan.

"All good sir?" The man asked and Vansh nodded, he passed a smile again.

How can someone smile after getting there house nearly destroyed?

Vansh defeated-ly, moved towards the exit and stopped for a while. He turned back towards the bedroom where Little Inayat was trying to push the cupboard back to its place. Vansh saw a source of light coming out.

"Stop!" He shouted and rushed towards the bedroom. Inayat flinched at his voice, Vansh carefully picked her up and put her down out of the room and hurriedly closed the door.

They kept banging, Vansh pulled the cupboard fully, and there were, stairs. Pulling his revolver and securing in his hands he moved downwards slowly, his steps echoed as he went inside.

The video

It was the first thing that clicked his mind. He went more ahead and saw a table, which has marks of scratches by knife and blood. He turned towards the wall and saw some pictures. Opening the drawers of the table he carefully noticed every detail. He heard the door break and ran upwards and closed the lid, upon which the cupboard was kept.

Coming back again he knew he needed help. Vansh tried calling Shrinath and Armaan but it was unreachable, luckily he told them in which area he would be but not the exact place, not a small basement atleast.

A chair was kept in between the room, it was...the same chair. But the place wasn't, Vansh knew. He caressed the chair and decided to go out, it was tough but he can't hide here like a coward. As soon as he decided to leave his eyes fell on a small pearl, he picked it up and found some more beneath a wooden stool.

They were of Riddhima's bracelet.

Vansh threw the stool away and hurriedly picked up all of them and secured it in his pocket. He decided to leave again, but his eyes fell on the upside-down stool which was craved.


He clicked a picture and turned to leave but was stopped with a bang on his head, Vansh fell on his knees as his vision became blurred.

Just came from school, still in uniform 😂 just kidding I came at 5:30 only.

So how was the episode!?
I really want some comments on what do you all think about 29, R W H.

Next chapter after 42 votes...(do I have tell everytime that it's ready?)

And more thing, my every chapter/part is of 1000+ words, which I write taking my time. So if I don't update without telling reason it means I am stuck with the only nicest thing in the work

Tanvi 💫


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