16. Proposal!?

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"Hi Riddhima"

Ishani said with the same smile glued on her face.

"You can go I won't tell Ma." Riddhima said with no expression.

"What? Oh come on Riddhu. I am not going with Angre!" Ishani said in disbelief.

"Come to the point or let me" Riddhima said closing the door but Ishani pushed it back.

"Come with me. We are going for a night out." Ishani said.

"Where?" Riddhima asked.

"To the Ringing bells...You, Me, and Angre" Ishani said and Riddhima made a face mocking her.

"I am not interested in looking at you both romancing." Riddhima said.

"Change. And come. And wear something...like a sort of knee length dress." Ishani said.

"Ohk my little mother. Coming in 10." Riddhima said and closed the door.

Riddhima came downstairs, and the trio, as she knew reached a small sky view restaurant. Which was, obviously empty.

Mild music base voices were coming from the bar area, while Angre, Ishani and Riddhima were sitting silently. Doing nothing.

"Will you tell what's happening?" Riddhima asked being pissed. But inside she was ok, atleast she will not start sobbing loudly.

"We have a proposal for you"

A man's voice hit her ears, and she turned back. His tones abs peeking from the 'only' jacket he was wearing along with many rings in his fingers.

"Who are you?" Riddhima asked him as he took seat next to Angre.

"Riddhima, this is Vyom. Vyom Raigir. My business partner" Angre told as Vyom passed a flirtious smile to Riddhima.

"What proposal?" Riddhima asked directly.

"Well...you are very professional I see." Vyom said.

"Come to point. It's midnight and I am not here to waste my time" Riddhima said with a nice, professional smile.

"2 minutes, to the balcony" Vyom said extending his hand to take hers, but she directly headed the balcony.

"2 minutes start now" Riddhima said looking at her watch. She didn't like his presence at all.

"I want you to marry me. Uh! Just on papers. I mean a court marriage." Vyom said, trying to make pleading eyes but failed miserably looking like a jerk.

Riddhima stared him for a while, and left marching towards Angre. Keeping her hand with a thud on the table, she glared Angre.

"This is what I have been called for?" Riddhima asked looking at Angre who has hung her head.

"Riddhima.. first listen to him fully!" Angre suggested lightly.

"Yes come back!" Vyom shouted standing far away. Riddhima sighed, moving back.

"Look Riddhima, I am offering you a good life! A house for your own, as you don't live in. A secondary job you can do after your retirement, a good sum of 180 crores! It's just a deal for 6 months!" Vyom said lightly.

Riddhima raised her hand to slap him, but stopped intially, and only she knew why. She came back taking her seat next to Ishani while both were waiting for he eto say her decision.

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