Ch. 14 Awakened

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Shane's P.O.V.

     Why does life have to be so cruel? I was without the love of my life for almost 12 years and now I may lose her and the girls may lose their mother. I have been sitting at Sorsha's bedside in the hospital for almost two weeks and she has been in a coma the entire time. The doctors have said her injuries are healing but we won't know if she will recover until she wakes up. At times I wish I could bring Orpheus Jones back so I could shoot him in the head again. When myself and the rest of the guys burst into that warehouse and took in the scene before us, I was overcome with rage and quickly fired a shot right between Orpheus' eyes but not before he landed one final kick to Sorsha's face.
     I have let the girls see their mom yet. Her injuries were to severe and they didn't need to see her like that. Upon reaching the hospital it was discovered Sorsha had a broken jaw, fractured cheekbones, 4 broken ribs, broken right leg, and multiple bruises. But the most concerning injury of all was the swelling on the brain because it was keeping her in a coma. Tomorrow was New Year's Eve and time was running out for me to get a miracle before the year was out.

Sorsha's (in coma) P.O.V.

     Why won't my eyes open? I keep hearing all kinds of noises and multiple people talking around me. I want to open my eyes so I can tell them to shut up because there is only one voice that I want to hear. I just want to hear Shane's. I hear his voice mixed in with the others but to me his is the only one worth hearing. Why the fuck won't my eyes open? I want to find out if my girls are safe and that Orpheus didn't get them. The last thing I remembered just before I passed out was hearing a gunshot. What happened and why won't my eyes open?

Shane's P.O.V.

     I need to give up hope of a miracle taking place this year. The doctors today said there has been a lot of activity. The alarms on all the machines attached to Sorsha kept going off. They are not sure yet if its because her body is giving up or if its trying to wake her up. I know what I am hoping for but there is only seconds left if a miracle is to take place before the year is over so its highly unlikely.  I stared down at the love of my life and brushed some hair out of her face as I listened to the tv in the background count down the seconds to the start of the new year.
"My Shane."

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