CH. 4 The Return PT 1

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Shane's P.O.V.

     I can not believe that it is Serena and Shawna's 12th birthday and Sorsha hasn't returned yet. I have loved having the girls and don't want them to ever leave but I really am ready for their mom to return. The day after the girls arrived, Bowser had me look at some security footage from around the time the girls arrived. Serena and Shawna were standing next to a small car talking to a woman kneeling down in in front of them. After sending them towards the club doorway the woman had turned around to watch them before driving off. But when she had turned around I lost the ability of speech for a minute. The woman that had turned around had been My Sorsha. Sorsha was breathtaking. She still had the same waist-length curly black hair that seemed to have a mind of its own. Don't get me started on her body. Even from the video I could tell she had the most luscious curves that I wanted to hold in my arms once again. But there has been no sign or word from her in 9 months.
     I have done my best to make sure the twins stay happy but I can tell that they are really missing Sorsha. To try and make them happy I have am currently in the middle of huge catered birthday party for them. Every member of the club is here along with any wives, significant others, or children. Every one has just fallen in love with the girls and would give their life to keep them safe.
     "Could we open presents now?"
     "Sure." Banging on the table to get everyone's attention I called out "PRESENT TIME!"
        For the next twenty minutes the girls open gifts from everyone. It ranged from the latest toy or a card with money. On the last card though they reacted kind of surprisingly. They were crying. Kneeling between them, I took the card from them and began to read.

My Dearest Daughters,
     I want you to know how much I love you. I want to wish you the happiest birthday that you could possibly have. I wish I could be here with you right now at this moment in time but I can't. You will not have to wait much longer. You will see me again very soon. Now inside this envelope is a separate smaller envelope. I want you to take it out and read it. I love you my darlings.


     I pulled out the other envelope. It was quite small actually and doesn't look like it could fit more than a scrap of paper. I gently hugged the girls before opening up the note. It contained just two short sentences.

Look Up. I am here!

     Look up. I am here! What does she mean? What could she mean? Then it hit me and I jerked up and there standing in the door way smiling was their momma. I was stunned, completely frozen in place from shock and had lost the ability to speak. I couldn't believe it My Love was here. Coming out of my trance, I was standing in front of her in three long strides. Not caring who was there or who saw me I did something I have waited 12 long years to do. I backed her up against the wall, gently cupped her checks, and planted a searing kiss. I poured 12 years worth of love and a affection into that kiss. If we had been any where but where we are, I wouldn't have been able to stop. Finally coming up for air I uttered one sentence. "Welcome Home My Love."

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