CH. 8 - Thanksgiving Bitch

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Shane's P.O.V.

She was beautiful. I have been awake for several hours but I couldn't make myself get out of the bed yet. I have spent the time studying and memorizing Sorsha's face and curvaceous body. She has always been on the curvy side, even in high school, and I wouldn't want her to be any other way. We haven't been intimate yet since her return two weeks ago on the twins birthday. We have been sleeping in the same bed but we are just enjoying talking, cuddling, and getting reacquainted with each other. I am loving my life now. I am a feared leader but now I have the love of my life and two amazing children.
I can't imagine life getting any better. Serena and Shawna have me and just about everyone else wrapped around their fingers. They never lack for volunteers to help them with their homework or to just play with them. Just yesterday they had managed to get Bowser into a pink tutu, makeup, and a princess crown. It had been one of the funniest things I had ever seen walking into the kitchen seeing him prance around with the girls. I had laughed until there were tears pouring down my face those girls have us all whipped. They were not spoiled Sorsha wouldn't allow them to be. They were always extremely polite. Tomorrow was Thanksgiving and this year I had so much to be thankful for.

Sorsha's P.O.V.

It's Thanksgiving day and I have so much to be thankful for. I have Shane and my girls both in my life. But at the same time I wasn't totally at ease. My unease had nothing to do with Shane. He has been great and hasn't asked for anything I'm not comfortable with. The unease has to do with my parents and the unknown man. I can't get comfortable especially after grocery shopping yesterday with Cia. I felt like I had been followed and watched wherever I went. I never saw anyone but the feeling of being watched never went away. I didn't tell Shane about my feelings and I wouldn't until tomorrow. I want all of us to enjoy the day without worry. The entire Club was eating Thanksgiving dinner as a group and today that was all I wanted to worry about.
Beep! Beep! Beep!
Shutting off the oven timer, I began pulling out one of the several turkeys that were cooking. As I set the turkey on the counter, I was bumped from behind. Turning around I looked into the smirking eyes of the one skank I couldn't stand in this place. "What is your problem? You should apologize."
"You are my problem. You and your bastards should have never come back. Shane Erickson will be mine. I'm going to make him mine and I will make you regret ever returning."
Furious, I grabbed the skank around the throat and slammed her into the wall behind her. I was spitting venom. "How dare you call my children bastards you whore. You are nothing but a walking STD. Shane is mine and will always be mine. We have loved each other since we were 15 years old and no power-hungry bitch is going to change that." Pulling my hand back I punched her in the face, breaking her nose, before I tossed her ass out the door. "I want you to leave and never come back."
"Shane won't stand for this. You don't have the authority to throw me out."

Shane's P.O.V

Hearing yelling, I walked into the kitchen to see Sorsha punch the resident skank, Khandye, before tossing her out the door. Walking up behind Sorsha I put my hand on her shoulder catching the tail end of their exchange. "What is going on here?"
"Shane, baby, this bitch punched me and threw me out for no reason.
" Khandye, I have told you to never address me like that. There is only one woman I want and it's not you. Sorsha what is going on here?"
"I kicked her out and told her she never come back."
"This bitch had the nerve to claim you as hers and to top it off she is called Serena and Shawna bastards."
Seeing the truth and Sorsha's eyes and before Khandye could respond I pulled out my gun and pointed it at her. "My children are not bastards. My Sorsha has every right to kick you out. She is my old lady and nothing will ever change that. Kicking you out is not a fitting enough punishment." Pulling Sorsha into my chest I looked to my left. "Bowser, you know what to do."

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