Chapter 20 Demanding Answers

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Cia's P.O.V. 

What's going on in this place? Doc just took off running out of the clubhouse and everyone else has been asked to stick around. What could be going on? Hopefully whatever is going on won't take long so I can meet my sister for dinner in a few hours. At that moment I feel someone walk up behind me and stick the barrel of a gun to the back of my head. Before I could say anything I hear the Prez speak. 

"Cia, you are to sit down at the table quietly and Deacon here is going to tie you up."

"Shane. Prez what's going....." I stop speaking as the gun is shoved hard into my head.

"Cia, shut the fuck up and sit down. I will be the only one asking questions. If the answers I receive don't meet my satisfaction I will force them from you painfully." 

Having never heard such a hard tone in Shane's voice before, I quickly sit and silently wait with my eyes closed as Deacon ties me to the chair. I slowly open my eyes and look at the man who has taken a seat across from me. He has the gun pointing in my direction and I have never seen or felt such hatred directed towards me. As I wait for the Prez to speak I noticed every other member is standing behind him with their guns pointing at me. What the hell is going on?

"Where is your sister Kimmie?"

"I don't know."

Shane pulls back on the hammer of the gun. "Cia I am going to ask again and your answer better be different or the pain will start. Where is your sister Kimmie?"

"I don't know." I see Shane nod towards Deacon. Next thing I know I feel the pain of my pinkie being broken. "Shane please stop. What's going on? Why are you doing this to me?"

"What's going on? Well to start Mrs. Prost is with the Doc fighting for her life."

"I feel bad for Mrs. Prost but what does that have to do with me or Kimmie?"


"What? Why?"

"Mrs Prost is fighting for her life because your sister beat her half to death."

"Kimmie wouldn't do that."

"Well she did. Kimmie beat her right before she kidnapped my daughters. Don't bother saying she wouldn't does this because Mrs Prost was conscious long enough to tell us it was Kimmie and surveillance footage shows her carrying Serena and Shawna out to her car and putting them in the trunk. So I ask again, Where the hell is your fucking sister?."

"I don't know and I don't know why she would do something like this." I scream in pain as my other pinkie is broken. 

"Kimmie is my stalker. So where is she? Your answer better be different or the next thing you feel is the pain of your fingers being cut off one by one until you tell me."

" I don't know where she is but I am supposed to meet her for dinner in a few hours."

"Do you have any idea where she could be right now? And where are you supposed to meet for dinner?"

"The plan is to meet at 7pm at The Grill. The only place  she may be if not at my house is our dads old hunting cabin."

Shane stood before looking behind me at Deacon. "Prospect, I want you take this Bitch to the shed and guard her until we find her sister. Feel free to have fun torturing her but keep her alive. You can kill her after she watches me kill her sister."

"Kill me! Why are you going to kill me? I haven't don't anything."

"Your Old Man betrayed this club. Your sister has stalked me for four years and kidnapped my girls. You are going to die because no one in your fucking family can be trusted. Prospect make her suffer painfully and slowly. We will be back soon." With those parting words Shane left, taking everyone but the Prospect and two other guards with him.

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