CH. 1 Surprise!!!

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Gently brushing my thumb down the side of her arm, I stared lovingly into the face of the one I loved most. My Sorsha has had a grip on my heart since the day I first laid eyes on her during freshman year of high school. I have loved her everyday since then. Last night we gifted each other with our innocence after we left our senior prom. Graduation was in a few weeks and we planned to run off to Vegas and get married because we didn't want to spend a night apart that we didn't have to. Glancing over and seeing Sorsha bright eyed and smiling, I took the peak of her nipple in my mouth as my hardened cock slid into her entrance that now belonged to me.

Present Day

     Slamming my beer on the table top, I growled in frustration but chuckled as those sitting at the tables next to me moved to ones further away. No one said a word or questioned my mood. Especially not today of all days. I, Shane Erickson, president of one the most feared  MC clubs in the country is getting frustrated that the mail was running slow. Every year on this date, no matter where I am living, I receive a postcard from My Sorsha. Written on it is a single sentence.

"I will always love you."

Nothing else but that one line. The day after prom Sorsha went missing without a trace. Not even her family knows where she went or at least that is what they claim. Today is the 12th anniversary of the day Sorsha went missing and I am anxiously waiting for the mail.
     I glanced up at the sound of my VP's voice "What Bowser?"
     "The mail has come. There was no postcard."
      "Are you sure?" Seeing Bowser nod his head in affirmation, I took my beer bottle and watched it shatter after I threw it across the room. FUCK! What could have happened?
    "Excuse me?"
      Glancing around at the sound of a child's voice, I saw a set of the most adorable twin girls standing at the entrance to the club house. To ease the nervousness that was clearly showing on their faces, I knelt down in front of them and smiled. "Are you lost?"
     "No. We are looking for someone."
     These girls were adorable with long curly black hair and bright blue eyes. "Who are you looking for?"
     "Shane Erickson."
     I was struck dumb. Me? They are looking for me? Why? "I am Shane."
     With even brighter smiles stretching across their faces they handed me a thick envelope. "Then this is for you."
     "Thanks." I took the envelope and led them to a table and ordered a prospect to get them anything they wanted. Flipping the envelope over, I saw something that I wasn't expecting. Written on the front was the message from my love. Sitting down on the floor and leaning against the wall, I ripped open the envelope a took out a thick letter and began to read.

My Love,
     I know it must be a shock to receive a letter from me after all these years. But I have an explanation for why I have been missing for 12 years and I finally feel safe enough to tell you everything. When I got home that day, I found my parents arguing about selling my body for money to cover some kind of debt that they owed. To be more specific they were arguing about what price to sell me for. Hearing this, I snuck to my room and filled a bag with money,  clothes, and all my important papers and ran. I know you might be thinking why didn't I come to you for help. I couldn't because I also heard them say that they would kill you if I wouldn't go along with what they wanted. I couldn't take that chance so I ran. I wanted to let you know I was alive and still I loved you, hence the postcards every year. I hope you understand. Now let me introduce you to the two girls that gave this letter. They are 11 years old and were born nine months to the day after senior prom. I am sorry I couldn't introduce you to them before now. I made sure to tell them all about you. Shane, my love, meet your daughters. Their names are Serena and Shawna Erickson. Take care of our girls. Take care of them until I can be there. I am on my way and coming home to you. Be watching for me.
With All My Love,

     Shocked is the only word that could describe what I was feeling. I would see My Sorsha sometime in the future and I was a dad. It was hard to comprehend. Glancing up, I saw the curious faces of the club and the nervous ones of my daughters. Unable to think of what else to do and with tears streaming down my face, I knelt in front of the girls before I spoke. "Do you know who I am?"
     "Yes." They smiled at each other before smiling at me."You're dad. Will you love us?"
        Hugging them to my chest I quickly assured them that I would before I stood to address the club. "Call a meeting of the club for 8pm tonight. I want everyone here. Include all wives, girlfriends, and club sluts. I will explain who these girls are and what this letter is about with everyone then." Turning to address Bowser's Old Lady I spoke again. "Cia, can you take the girls upstairs to watch a move or something and keep an eye on them until its time for the meeting?" After she took the girls by the hand and left to the room, I downed another beer, still in shock over what just happened.

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