CH. 3 Reflections

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Sorsha's P.O.V.

"Mom, why do you have to do this? Why are you leaving us here?"
Gently clasping the hand of my daughters, I looked into their tear filled eyes before speaking. "I am not leaving you with just anyone. I am leaving you with your father. I am tired of us having to run and he will protect you until I can end the threat once and for all."
"But what if he doesn't want us?"
"My sweet girls how could anyone not want you." Handing them an envelope, I smiled before continuing. "Why don't you watch his reactions as he reads this. I am sure you will be able to tell if he is going to accept you or not. Now in your bag I put two packages. The first one contains your birth certificates and any other papers he might need. Give those to him tomorrow. The second package you can give to him tonight when he puts you to bed."
     "Ok momma."
      "Be brave girls. I will be back with you soon. Now go." I watched my girls walk across the street and stand in the doorway of the club. I waited until I saw saw Shane kneel down in front if them before leaving. Shit! That man was still gorgeous. That man stole the key to my heart when I was 15 and never gave it back, not that I wanted him too. Shane Erickson would always be the love of my life.
     I could have been reunited with him tonight but I wanted him to adjust first to being a dad and I needed to see that he would accept. Because if he couldn't, no matter how much I love him, I wouldn't be able to stay with him. I would use the time away from the girls to shut up all the safes house I established over the years and sell everything off before returning. I established these safe houses after I had the girls so we could hide from my parents. I and been lucky enough not needing to work the last 12 years because of a trust find that I had received the control of two days before senior prom when I turned 18. That trust fund had been a bone of contention between myself and my parents. They wanted me to give them control of it even before I turned 18 but my grandparents had been smart. The trustee ship of the account had been given to the bank manager who had been a close friend of my grandparents. I had been given a monthly allowance from the trust fund and the rest was put into an account to draw interest until I claimed the principle. The first thing I did after leaving my parents house I went to the bank manager and explained the situation. He had been horrified and wanted to call the police. I told him and just asked him to help me transfer the money into an account that my parents didn't know about and to help me get away. He did it right away, rushed me a bank card thru, and took me to the bus in the next town over. With his help I had been able to get away from my parents and stop them from getting a hold of my 100 million in inheritance. I know my parents looked for me over the years but could never find me but thankfully they were now both dead. I was free.

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