CH. 2 The Meeting

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     7:55pm. Its almost time to start the meeting. We were just waiting on the last 3 needed before we could begin. The room was packed and it was standing room only except for the three at a table I set aside for Cia and the girls. Sensing movement to my left, I saw Cia enter with the girls and take a seat. Serena and Shawna were already dressed and ready for with bed. I would do my best to keep this meeting as short as possible. Calling the horde to attention I began to speak.
     "I am sure by now everyone has heard that I didn't receive my postcard. I received a letter and a surprise instead. Everyone hear knows the story as to what happened and why I don't have my Old Lady. The letter changes everything. My Sorsha, explained in the letter why she has been missing for all these years. She also informed me that I am a dad to these two little girls sitting up front with Cia. I would like to introduce to the club my twin daughter Serena and Shawna Erickson. Lastly, I want to inform everyone that sometime in the future and hopefully sooner rather than later, My Sorsha will be returning to me." I chuckled as the looks of surprise and shock spread across the room. Knowing what was expected of them, everyone in the room lined up to introduce themselves to the girls and welcome them. I nodded encouragingly at the girls as they glanced nervously at me. Motioning to Browser, I spoke to him separately off to the side.
"Do you think Cia would mind taking the girls shopping tomorrow and helping the pick up bedroom furniture, clothes, and anything else they might need? I think they came with only one small duffle bag between the two of them."
     "Cia would love to. She would use any excuse to go shopping."
     "Thanks. I will hand her my card for tomorrow. I want you to assign the three you think best to accompany them for protection. I also want you assign some prospects to take all the furniture out the room across from mine and put everything in the attic. They also need to paint the walls with a fresh coat of paint and make sure the adjoining bathroom is clean as well. When the new furniture gets they need to put it together and set it up so the girls can a respectable bedroom. Oh, also have a a security camera installed in the hall out side their room so we can keep an eye on them."
      "Will do, Prez. Could I ask a question?"
      "Do they look like their mom?"
      Glancing at them, I smiled. "Except for their eye color they are the spitting image of her."

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