Chapter 21 Reconnaissance & Capture

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Shane's P.O.V.

The hunting cabin wasn't hard to find. We could tell that someone has been to the cabin but haven't seen any sign of Kimmie or the girls yet. If My Girls have been harmed in anyway, the torture and pain that Kimmie is going to feel will be painful. if you Cia and her death are going to be bloody and painful. 



"Look at the window."

Looking towards, I pick up the binoculars and observe Kimmie locking a door to an interior room. I bet that is where my girls are. I silently instruct my men to surround the cabin before walking up to the front door.  Swiftly kicking in the door and shout "Kimmie, you bitch, you are going to pay for what you have done to my family."

Kimmie looked stunned for a moment before giving me a flirty look and responding "Shane, my love, what are you talking about? I am your only family. I am your one true love and we are meant to be together forever."

"You are nothing more than a delusional psycopath."

"How can you say that? Everything I have done has been done out of love. It has been done so our love can grow stronger."

Walking up close and getting in her face, I respond with my voice full of malice. "You are seriously mental. How could you think I loved you? You have been stalking me for years and I have always said that Sorsha is the only woman I will ever love."

"Shane, darling, don't say that. You love me. I know you do. Your always talk to me when I am around."

"I only was being nice for the sake of Bowser and Cia. But I now know that it was a mistake to trust anyone in your family. Now get it thru your thick head. I don't love you. I will never love you. I honestly despise you." With those parting words I knock her out with the butt of my gun. I quickly issued orders for my men to tie Kimmie up and load her into the back of the van. Going to the door that had been locked I kicked it in and almost instantly feel to my knees at the sight in front of me. 

Doc's P.OV.

I had come with my Prez after getting Mrs Prostate situated a private medical facility. When I saw the Shane fall to his knees after kicking in the door I was a little confused. Or I was until I followed in behind him. The sight before us was no sight any father should ever see. The twins were tied to a bed and looked the had been beaten so severely that they were almost unrecognizable. Quickly stepping around Shane I did a careful examination to determine their condition. They, thankfully, were still alive but were in critical condition. I needed to move them quickly but very carefully. I yelled for some of my brothers to come help me. I had two hold the girls after they were untied and the rest carried the mattress to the back of the second van. I directed that the girls to be gently set down on the mattress. I looked at the Prez, who had followed out behind the girls. "Prez?"

"Yes, Doc?"

"I am going to take Serena and Shawna to the same place I took Mrs Prost. I will let you know there condition asap."

"Please do and don't sugar coat it. I want to know everything."

I could tell by the look in his eyes Shane was going to make sure that Kimmie and Cia suffered for every injury inflicted onto the twins. They deserve all that is headed their way and I am glad that I am not them. 

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