Ch. 15 Resolutions

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Sorsha's P.O.V.

"My Shane."

     The first words I have spoken in weeks. I remember everything that happened over the last few weeks and what caused me to be in a hospital. I can recall everything that doctors had said in regards to my chances of survival. It pissed me off because I was a fighter and I was determined to have a life with my love and our girls. I was made to wait until my mind and body were in sync with each other. Fully coming to consciousness, I looked up into the the tear filled eyes and smiling face of the love of my life.

"Oh Sorsha, my love! I am so glad your awake. Let me get the doctor."

"No doc yet."


"Not until you give a kiss." Smiling, Shane leaned down and gave love and passion filled kiss that rocked me to my core before he slipped out the door.


"Miss Sorsha, its a miracle you have come out of your coma."

"Doctor, its not a miracle. I just had something worth fighting for. I have resolved to be home with my family asap."

"All of your external injuries have almost completely healed and if you show no mental deficiencies from the coma, you should be able to go home in about a week."

"Doctor what day is it?"


"I am going to be discharged Friday night or early Saturday morning. I will be sitting at the kitchen table with donuts and chocolate milk when my girls come down for breakfast."

"If you do everything I or the therapists say, I will make that happen."


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