Chapter 22 Retribution

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Shane's P.O.V.

Its been a couple of hours since we found the girls. I am still in shock about how they looked when I had gotten into that room. The entire club was currently at the shed. Cia and Kimmie were both tied up and hanging from the ceiling by their wrists. We were waiting to hear from Doc on how Serena and Shawna were doing before deciding on wether those two bitches died quick or slow and painfully. Feeling my phone vibrate in my pocket I quickly answered when I saw that it was Doc. I listened intently as he gave me a run down on what was wrong with the girls.  The longer Doc talked the more pissed I became. Hanging up, I turned and faced my men.

"Deacon, after I get done talking I want you to go get two buckets of boiling hot water so we can wake these bitches up. They are going to die as painfully as possible. The twins are both unconscious. Serena has a broken arm, three broken ribs, and some abdominal brusing , and a black eye. Shawna has a broken leg, broken arm, 5 broken ribs, fractured eye socket, fractured skull, and a concussion. Now go get that water."

We had to wait about 15 minutes for Deacon to come back. During that time I got my torture tools laid out on the table. The men took turns issuing punches on the two unconscious bitches dangling from the ceiling. I instructed Deacon to stand in front of Cia with one bucket  and I stood in front of Kimmie with the other. With a count of three we threw the boiling hot water into the women's faces. They startled awake with a scream of pain. The sounds intensely delighted me and am looking forward to hearing some more before things were over with.

"Shane, my love, why are you doing this to me? We are are soulmates. Our love is eternal." Tears poured from Kimmie's eyes and down her cheeks. Burns and blisters were starting to appear on any exposed skin. 

"You are a delusional psychotic bitch. We are not soul mates and never will be. I despise you and will make you pay for every injury you inflicted on my girls. Cia, you better make sure you watch or the same thing will be done to you. "

Over the next half-hour I took great pleasure in ripping out each finger nail individually. I then picked up a mallet and wacked Kimmie in the ribs, knees, and elbows. For every scream let loose, I took great pleasure in laughing in her face.  

"Shane, please stop torturing my sister. I know what she has been doing is wrong but nothing she has done deserves this treatment." Cia interrupted me.

I looked at her with such hatred. "Kimmie has earned all this and more." I proceeded to tell her the condition my girls were in. The resignation slowly began to appear in her eyes and she never said another word. Picking up my gun, in an act of poetic justice, I put the gun to Kimmie's eye and pulled the trigger. She slumped forward finally dead.


"Yes, Prez?"

"Because of what was done to your mother are you satisfied with what has been done to Kimmie?"


"Good. You have the job of killing Cia." As Deacon put the gun to Cow's temple and pulled the trigger, I directed several more of my men to dispose of the bodies. I directed them to make sure that the bodies would never be found. 

Maybe now we can all live in relative peace.

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