CH. 5 The Return PT 2

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Sorsha's P.O.V.

      It was now or never. It has been 9 months since I have seen my girls and I couldn't wait any longer. I hadn't meant to stay away from them this long but after selling all the safe houses and transferring all the money into bank here, I discovered who my parents were going to sell me to and that they had in fact faked their death. They had wanted me to come out of hiding and now all three of them were coming for me. I should stay away but I couldn't. I was tired of hiding and I wanted my life back. I wanted Shane back. I can still remember the first day I meet him like it was yesterday.


     I hate starting new schools. I know daddy told me I wouldn't have to move again but I doubted that because he was always having to run from his debts. I hope its true though because I really want to have some true friends. These were the thoughts that were running through my head as I walked out of the school office. I wasn't looking were I was going and hit someone with the door as they walked by causing them to fall down. I offered them my hand to help them up and apologised. "I am sorry." And looked up into the  most beautiful face I had ever seen. He was gorgeous.
      "Hi. I'm Shane."
      "S-Sorsha." I stuttered.
      Leaning close to me he whispered in my ear."I think you are beautiful."
     Smiling up at him I knew my life would never be the same.

Flashback over

     I managed to sneak into the girls' birthday party with out being noticed. I quietly watched them open all their gifts. I knew the moment they got to my card I managed to get in with the help of the post office. I knew the moment they opened because they were crying and Shane knelt between them. I knew the moment he read the little note because I saw his head jerk up. I couldn't help but hold my breath as I waited for his gaze to find me. I smiled when I saw him frozen in place with a stunned look. But that didn't last long. Before I had much time to register what was happening, Shane had backed up against the wall while he was cupping my face and giving me the kiss of a lifetime. I poured myself in to that kiss just as I could tell he was. This man has held the key to my heart since the day we met. When Shane finally released me I heard the most beautiful thing in the world.
     "Welcome home My Love."
     "Oh Shane I have missed you." I cried as I kissed him again but it didn't last long as I heard my daughters scream "Momma" right before they gave me a running hug. I did the only thing I could do. I cried. I cried because my family was finally whole.

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