Chapter 26 - You idiot

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Tears were streaming down my face and I cuddled myself further into my blanket. 

A knock on my door interrupted my thoughts and I sighed.

"Go away!", I then yelled and remained in my position. But contrary to what I had just said, Julie opened the door, came in and sat next to me on the floor.

"What is wrong Liz? ...Is it because of Professor Cullen?", she asked sympathetically. 

I didn't answer but I guessed that the way my body had stiffened at the sound of his name was too obvious.

"What did he do, Liz?", Julie continued the interrogation and I groaned:

"It doesn't matter."

It really didn't. God, we could have made history for having had the shortest relationship. And I was even stupid enough to imagine a futur with him...but he, he didn't seem to care. Because if he really would have cared, he would have just trusted me and listened, and most importantly, he wouldn't have called my a slut. 
His eyes...I could never forget his eyes. How they looked at me, cold as ice. Like I would mean nothing to him. 

"But of course it does! Whatever it is, it hurt you. Hey... if you don't want to tell me, should we go to this cute restaurant to get you some good food? You can't stay here forever", Julie replied and I knew that her intentions were nothing but nice.

Still, I couldn't help the bad mood I was in right now so I shook my head:

"No, look out the window. The weather sucks. The people outside suck. My entire life sucks."

"Oh Liz, don't say's going to be okay.. Alright, wait here. I'll go and bring you the warm chocolate brownie that you like so much. Then we can have a cozy evening and watch our favorite movies and trust me, tomorrow might already be better than you can now imagine", she gave me a hug and I smiled slightly at her.

"You're the best."


I fucking hated my life.

If you normally had problems with boys, you could easily avoid them. Just don't hang out with them. But I, I was lucky enough to see Professor Cullen every damn week during lectures.

Up until this point, we had ignored each other in the halls. His mere presence was already too much for me. So how should I avoid him in his own lecture. I seriously thought about just dropping out, but we were already in the middle of the semester and I needed the credits. 

So here I was, sitting in his class on a glorious monday morning. It was raining. My mood was on its high. 

"So what have you come up with about the short story that you had as your homework? Let's start with the analysis of the characters, Bill and Rose. Any ideas?", Professor Cullen spoke to the class.

"They were in a relationship but it didn't work because Rose betrayed him", some boy said and Professor Cullen nodded. 

I snorted at the answer that was so typically male. 

After the noise had left my mouth, Professor Cullens eyes landed on me and he pulled up an eyebrow:

"Anything you'd like to add, Miss White?"

I tensed at his condescending tone and crossed my arms over my chest:

"Well, yes if you ask so. It wasn't Rose's fault, in my mind. Bill is the one to blame. In the story, we don't get to know if she actually betrays him. He just blames her because he lacks in trust."

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