Chapter 27 - Forgive me

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"Come on, Liz! It's just a small party for your birthday", Julie tried to convince me to throw a party for my birthday that was going to be in two days.

"Yeah, small. Who do you think you're kidding here, I know you", I countered chuckling. 

"Haha, okay. Maybe it's going to be more like...medium? But Liz, please. This would be so much fun. I'll organise everything. You just have to be there and enjoy the evening", she tried again.

I sighed, giving in:"Fiineee."

Immediately I was being hugged like crazy while she screamed in my ear: "Oh my god, Liz. You're the best! You won't regret it!"

"Mhm, of course. Whatever you say", I replied laughing. Oh how much I loved this girl, I didn't know how I would have survived the past days without her...


POV: Professor Cullen/Alex

"Tonight?!", I asked shocked.

"Yes, tonight. I'm throwing a big party for her. It's the perfect chance. You're coming over and apologize. And with a little luck, you'll be able to give her a happy birthday kiss", Julie explained her plan. 

"I don't even have a gift. And because you told me one hour in advance, I won't even be able to get her one. Besides, I'm not totally convinced that your plan will work out. It's Liz we're talking about. She can be quite stubborn. You think that she even wants to talk to me?", I asked feeling suddenly very stressed out. 

She just laughed at me before she replied:"Don't you get it? You're going to be the present! And if she's going to be stubborn, we'll figure something out, okay? I have to go now and prepare some final things for the party. I'll see you then. You can do this."

And with that I was left alone. Great. I had one hour to figure out how I was going to get my girl back...


"Hey Liz, happy birthday. You look great!"

"Happy birthday, girl!"

"Hey, congratulations!"

There were so many people, I couldn't believe that Julie had invited so many. But, what can I say. It was Julie. Nothing was too much for her. 

Yet, the one person I longed to see, wasn't here. Uh, just forget him! It was not worth it.

I grabbed a cup of rosé and decided to eat some cake before Julie grabbed my arm and we started to dance. 

At around half past eleven, Julie suddenly pulled me towards the exit.

"There's someone here for you. Please do me the favor to-", she talked but I stopped in my movements when I saw to whom she was bringing me.


What was he doing here?!

His eyes locked with mine and I shook my head.

"No. No!", I stated but it was useless. In no more than five seconds I stod in front of him and Julie left us alone with a "Good luck". 

I crossed my arms before my chest and avoided his gaze:

"Just say what you want so you can leave again."

"Liz. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. Julie told me that he was your brother. I was such an idiot not to hear you out. Please I-", he started but I interrupted him when I felt like I couldn't breath.

"Yes you are an idiot. But you didn't answer my question. What do you want?"

His hand softly grabbed my chin and I shivered at the familiar yet so foreign touch:

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