05| Say my Piece

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*4 years prior*

9.46 pm.

"Marry me"

When she turned around to see me on the floor, resting on one knee.

"You just found out people are trying to kill you, your family, and now is the grand proposal?" She said through the brightest smile ever placed on someone's face.

"Well, your willingness to give up everything you know to follow me into who knows what kinda makes me want to. I want you to be mine forever, officially..I said, holding back the tears.

"Well, I guess, why not?" She sighed sarcastically.

"Oh, fuck you!" I said, letting go of the hold I had on those tears and running to hold her tight.

I wrapped my arms so tight around her, hearing her sobs of happiness on her shoulder.

"I love you, I love you beyond anything.." She whispered in my ear.

"Wait, wait.." I said, stepping away from the hug and running to the vanity table to grab something.

I rooted around for a minute in the drawer of jewellery for a minute, trying to find something good to use for this proposal.

Finding a ring.

I found two rings, similar bare the colour, deciding one for both of us would be perfect for now.

"Look, I know it's not much but I will find a better one but because we're about to run off to who knows where and I want you to be able to have this.." I spoke, taking the ring I had found for a temporary solution.

"It's perfect, I don't care, as long as I have you.." She laughed, allowing me to put the ring on her finger before kissing me and taking bags out of the closet to pack things up.

I went to also pack clothes and other things, although Wanda stopped me before I could begin.

"If we are running, you need to expose them for all they've done. We don't know who to trust or who is involved but you need to make it known. You need to say your piece. I'll get your things organised.." She said, gesturing me to go and do my bit.

Say my piece.

I decided to sit down and record it, upload it to Jarvis and have it be sent out to everyone at one time the next morning.

10:16 pm.

"My name is Y/N Sta-"

I paused, I'm not a fucking Stark anymore.

"My name is Y/N, just Y/N, like Beyoncé or some shit like that. I am 18 years of age as of three days ago and two of my fathers plotted to murder me. There is a bomb, It's in my neck, I think it was put in there after I was shot over 4 years ago. They were gonna kill me.."

There was so much more I said in that tape, so much. Once I finished it, not leaving out a single detail, I returned to my now fiance to see if she was finished.

With a gun.

"Are you ready, I think we should go.." She said, pulling bags onto the bed and loading the gun in her hand.

"Do you really think we need that? You can move things with your mind and I can light people on fire whenever I feel.." I asked.

"It's simply a precaution, a just incase is you will.." She said, putting it in her jeans and handing me a bag.

10:32 pm.

We were probably lucky that every responsible adult was out for dinner and getting drunk.

So we could just walk to the ship, no questions asked because nobody could see us.

Wanda recorded her message to her brother and set it to be sent to him long after we were gone, so he wouldn't speed after us both and try to stop us.

We were in the clearing, like Taylor Swift once said.

We threw our bags inside the small ship and while Wanda was getting snacks and other things organized, I realized something big.

"Wanda?" I interrupted.

"Yes, my dear?" She spoke, only half listening to what I had to say as she was organizing things.

"I need to take the bomb out of my neck, you need to.." I spoke, completely stopping her from what she was doing.

"What?!" She yelled out.

"You can move things with your mind, I'll hold onto something and try not to scream but you need to do this, because I can't.." I explained.

"You want me to cut into your neck while you aren't sedated and can feel everything?" She asked again like I was crazy.

"I've been shot, I've fallen off of buildings, been in a coma and not spoke to you for two weeks that time I kissed Pietro in a dare, I'm pretty sure I know pain.." I joked.

Turns out that that's a lot more painful than one might expect, the whole pulling an object out of your neck.

I lay on my side, gripping onto the metal bar beside me and holding some cloth in my mouth to prevent the screams.

"Are you ready, this is gonna hurt.." She said, holding a knife to cut a small gap to pull the thing out.

"I should have smoked some weed.." I said, something that could have been my final words.

Or maybe I'm just dramatic.

Wanda took the knife and cut the area of where the chip bomb things were presumably located.

Let's just say it hurt like a bitch.

"It's okay, it's okay, I'm gonna get this out.." She kept reassuring me as she used her powers to carefully lift the thing out of my neck.

"This fucking HURTS!" I muffle screamed through the gag in my mouth.

"I've almost got it, It's almost out.." She said, then letting it out completely.

When the pain was finally over, I whipped the blood off of the tiny chip to really take a look at it.

Who knew something so small could cause so much destruction.

"Let's leave.." I said, staring at the thing still.

"After you.." She smiled, both of us climbing into the ship and getting ready to fly.

Then we took off. Into the stars.

There was a few complications, to say the least, like getting shot down by the Kree and going to prison.

For something that for once was not even my fault.

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