025| You're Not My Wife

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Looks like I'm sleeping on the sofa tonight.

Wanda stood before me as I entered the room, looking mildly pissed off. She didn't even wait for us to get back to the ship, whatever I had down this time, I was in big trouble.

I think we all know why I'm in trouble this time.

"You wanna tell me why the whole fucking world knows about Celeste?" She yelled as soon as I walked through the door.

"Wanda it-"

"It's slipped out? It wasn't your fault? Oh screw you Y/N, we both wanted her to be kept a secret and you blew it!" Wanda yelled, little flickers of red admiring from her hand.

"Wanda, I'm sorry, there's just too much going on right now and I messed up-"

"This isn't something you just mess up! You weren't even asked about children, you brought it up!" She yelled again.

"Where's Cece, she doesn't need to hear this.."

"So now you care about Celeste-"

"Don't for a second doubt that I don't care about my child, don't go there Wanda. I love you but if you question my love for my daughter we're gonna have issues!" I yelled back to her.

"You just told everyone in the galaxy that you have a kid! Every powerhouse will have a way to hurt us now!" Wanda yelled.

"And I'll fix it! I'll keep her safe-"

"What about me?"

I paused.

"What about you, Wanda?"

Then she paused.

"You know, we should have just given Thanos the stone and never had to come back to this hell hole!" She yelled as she tried to walk back through the door.

"Don't say that! And don't walk away! He already killed four people, you were almost dead! There is no way I would have given it to him after that!" I yelled to her, stopping her from moving.

"You are controlling everything since the team died! You control what we do, what I do! You keep telling me that I won't be allowed to fight Thanos-"

"Because he nearly killed you!"

"Well, I've seen you almost die countless times and then get straight back up and risk your life again! I'll be fighting Thanos!" Wanda yelled.

"You lay dead on the floor, you didn't wake up for three days! Everyone was dead so I had to help Fleur in surgery on you! Do you know what that was like? When you coded and your heart stopped? When I was screaming into your open body cavity to just fucking life?! I don't wanna have to go through that again Wanda because I love you too much!" I yelled at her.

"You need to stop, stop telling me how hard my pain was for you!"

"You're my wife, I was allowed to feel the pain of not knowing if you'd live to see tomorrow!"

"Your not my wife, that cheap roadside 'wedding' was for our safety, not our love. We aren't married and right now, I'm not sure if we ever will be!" She screamed.

That was a lot of damage.

So much damage that I left the room, spilling the tears I head held back and not knowing where to go or what to do. My wife, sorry, Wanda, threw some cheap insults there.

It was my fault, there's no denying it was my fault, but she didn't have to go there. Question my love for Cece, telling me I wasn't allowed to grieve.

Somehow, I ended up back on the ship, in Coles privately funded bar. He collected different types of alcohol and it's not like he was going to be around to drink it.

I poured the first shot, proposing a toast.

"To Thanos! CEO of fucking things up!" I called out before downing the drink.

I sat alone for a while, silently having my thoughts and my drinks. Until my wallowing was interrupted.

"You're an idiot.." The person in the doorway said.

"Evening to you too, Loki.." I sighed back, leaning over the bar and grabbing him a glass.

"No, no. One of us needs to be sober.." They said, taking the glass off of me and returning it.

"Did you hear what happened?" I asked as they sat down beside me.

"The question is, who didn't hear what happened. You're trying your best Y/N-"

"My best isn't good enough. If it was, they'd all be alive. Thanos would be dead, we'd never have to come back here and I wouldn't have but a target on my kids back!" I cried out, words slightly slurring.

"It's nothing you can't handle, you are the Madam Mayhem.." Loki said, watching me pour another drink, this time a lot larger, "No, your cut off.."


"Because, I said so. Hand over the bottle.." They said, unwillingly I did. "Now, you are going to go to sleep, tomorrow we can talk to Wanda and sort this out.."

"She said she didn't think we could ever get married. I thought the whole thing was an inside joke, I didn't think she was serious.." I began to weep, Loki who had zero comforting skills didn't know what to do.

"I hate weepy drunk girls.." They muttered, "Come on, you can take my bed and I'll take a sofa or something.." They extended their hand for me.

"You could sleep with Omar.." I offered as they walked me to their room.

"Nice try, go and sleep.." Loki said, gesturing to the bed and hanging on at the door.

Once I had collapsed into the sheets, they said goodnight, turning off the light and shutting the door.

I don't know what they did next, maybe they got some action. But I do know that Loki is, even if they hate this, a good friend. My best friend and personal bad bitch.

Sometimes I wish I could be a teenager again. It would be simpler, life would be good.

But now, I'm 22, passed out drunk in my best friends bed because my wife can't look at me and all I can do is cry.

Life's shit if I'm honest. Hashtag relatable.

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