40| Snow Day

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What would you do in your final hour?

Well, most of us don't know when that time will come. Usually, it's a feeling, an unexplainable one. I thought a lot about my life and what my final hour would look like. Although it never looked like this, standing on the reminisce of a blown up Avengers compound to fight an alien over some rocks. I didn't think I would be standing beside the people who supposedly wanted to kill me a few years back. Working together, standing together. I saw the same ship from about a year ago, the one that Thanos killed my friends with. The same ship that blew up my life in more ways than I can count. I knew what was coming, I knew what was going to happen.

As I stood waiting for the fight of my life, I felt something fall on my face. A cold sensation that when I looked up, revealed itself to be snow. Little white drops of ice fell from the sky, landing on the faces of all who stood in the face of the fight. I couldn't help but smile, thinking about memories from years ago. From one of my first happy moments at the Avengers, stealing Steves's shield and using it as a sledge. Spending the day in the snow with Peter, eventually getting in trouble, as per usual.

I think it was at that moment that I knew I was going to be okay. That we all would be okay. No matter if I live or die, I knew that when this was all over, my daughter would survive.

Maybe that's why I wrote all this down, about my life. Maybe it was for her. I am known to be reckless with my life. Probably how I ended up like this, standing with my life on the line.

"This isn't gonna be some Hydra mission, Stark. Are you ready to lose it all?" I laughed as he fixed his suit.

"I've already lost everything Y/N, now I'm just fighting." He replied.

As the giant ship edged closer to the ground, thousands of Chitauri soldiers dropped from the ship and headed straight toward us. One of the easier armies in this galaxy for us to best, their size is what made them difficult to destroy.

"Rogers, lead everyone against the Chitauri, I want the big guy.." I smirked, everyone separating through the newfound battlefield, but someone grabbed my hand.

"Don't do anything stupid, Y/N. You have too much to lose." Wanda said, looking me dead in the eyes, she was scared.

"Wanda you know what I have to do." I smiled, snow still falling down, matching the tears that I so desperately wanted to spill.

"You can't die on me Y/N-"

"It's the only way to end this, give you a life. I want you to stop fighting, settle down. Live your life. You've been living for me, doing what I want, not for what you want-"

"Stop talking like that. I don't care about your stupid moral mission and how you feel like you owe it to everyone to die. So here's what you're gonna do, you are gonna win, live and then we will get married. Some basic bitch white wedding for all I care! You will live." She yelled, probably the wrong time to bring up potential marriage counseling.

"I love you, you know that?" I smiled at her.

"It's impossible not to know that. Now go live, the keyword is live."

She parted ways with me as Thanos' ship hit the ground and he stomped his way out of it. He carried a double-edged blade and dressed in that stupid ignorant gold armour. But I looked at his glove. The metal glove with stones inside of it. One, in particular, caught my eye.

"You like it? It's a bit flashy for my taste. When I pictured the Soul Stone, I knew it would look as glorious as I ever imagined." He smirked, holding out the glove and showing it off as if it was a wedding ring. Reveals that he also had the Reality, Power and the Soul stone.

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