030| Just Dead

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I don't know if I create or attract crazy.

My life's plotline could rival the craziness that of Riverdale. And that's really saying something. I mean I am a bottle of vodka away from my villain arch, Loki has hidden the alcohol.

I could be the villain, Loki doesn't recommend it. I want to be good, don't you? What is so great about everyone hating you? I'm a criminal, did you know that? Little people in space, kids, consider me a hero. They think I'm the most amazing person, an icon, a legend, the moment. Their parents, some of them, think I should be locked up. The Kree think it, that's why they like to track me, all the time.

Such fan behaviour.

I hate the Kree, they follow me everywhere and when I'm on my own, they take some time to kill. I don't support the glorification of murder, but I do believe in women empowerment.

"Why is that alarm going off?"

Shang was pointing at the red blaring alarm that I knew only meant one thing.

"Everyone to their rooms, now. Loki got to Celeste." I commanded, Wanda arriving into the room through the groups fleeing.

I was locking everything down, preparing to keep people safe.

"Is it the Kree?" She asked.

I didn't respond.

"Will you answer me Y/N, is it the Kree?!" She yelled, making me answer.

"Yeah, it is. Get inside and stay with Cece, now Wanda.." She wasn't moving, "That wasn't a suggestion get inside.." I pointed to her.

"I can handle the Kree, you don't get to control me.." Wanda said, grabbing her jacket and putting it on.

"Oh god just listen! Your not healed, you almost died!"

"I know that but Im going to fight Thanos so this is a warm up!"

I blocked the door with my body as she tried to leave.

"Move it be moved.." Wanda stood her ground.

"I want to save everyone, you told me that I can't but I need to think I can. That starts with keeping you safe," I put my hand in her shoulder, "Please go inside.."

"This will be easy on me Y/N, please just move. I know we're not doing great right now but you have to trust me.."

I trusted her for that moment. I liked like to think that I can save the world but, I'm not so sure I can even save myself.

I trusted her to live, to fight well even though she hasn't in a long time. The truth is, I love Wanda Maximoff and love is hard, it's hard unless you fight for it.

"I'm going to let you fight but if you get so much as a cut in your finger I will be sure to send you back inside, understandable?" She nodded to me.

The alert gave us ten minutes and we used that to take a jet somewhere isolated, a field in an abandoned location, just to save innocent people. The ride was awkward, we hadn't spoken kindly towards in a long time. We didn't usually fight so, this was straight, this feeling of unusual and unexpected unease was unsettling.

"We have never been so prepared for a Kree attack.." Wanda broke the silence.

"Remember the first time they got us? We thought we had seen the worst of it.." I smiled.

"This is gonna be easy, right?" Wanda looked to me and asked.

"We're the galaxy's mightiest hero's, it's gonna be fun.." I smiled, noticing the ship landing before me.

It looked more bizarre then my own jet, more alien. Then the weird space thing started to talk.

"Madam Mayhem, step outside and comply or be removed.." The voice bombarded.

"Removed from what, life?" I used my own microphone system to answer back.

"Yes, yes we will remove you from life.." The voice replied.

"You sound sorta shaken up, you nervous?"


"Your not very convincing, they should never sent the newbies on a death mission.." I sighed.

"I'm gonna die? At the hands of you?" He wasn't sarcastic, he was scared.

"Depends on how you wanna do this.."

Spooking the seemingly young hire, Wanda and I stepped out of the jet, making ourselves a target but also cooperating with the assholes to draw them out.

They obliged, walking out of the ship, about seven of them. Ready for a fight.

"We don't have to kill you, just go home.." Wanda asked them.

"We have a duty and-"

If we have heard the speech about duties once, we've heard it a thousand times. Like come on Kree, get some new material.

Instead of letting them finish, Wanda used her powers to snap his neck. scaring the others.

"You said it was your duty, see it through.." I smirked.

Wanda and I with the possession of powers immediately took control and took them down. Seven turned to zero and before long. Punches of fire, ice and air, mixed with the powers Wanda fired their way, they were easy target practice. It only took a few moments for them to inevitably end up on the ground.

"Are we going to loot them?" Wanda asked, looking at the some dead and some unconscious.

"Of course, Mama needs a new gun for her space collection.." I picked a gun off the body of the fallen, looking all alien and stuff.

"What about the ship? Should we blow it up?" Wanda questions, emptying the Krees pockets and taking what she wanted.

"Let's grab what we can from it first.." We headed inside.

They had made themselves at home on this ship, clothes and food skatered about. I searched through some files and scrap paper. One of the documents I opened revealed something scary.

Wanted, Madam Mayhem, dead.

Just dead.

I scrunched the paper back up and threw it aside. there were more pressing matters to attend to right now.

"I've got nothing interesting, ready to blow this thing up?" I asked Wanda.

"You've got the flame, let's go.."

Watching an aircraft light on fire and burn to a crisp is quite satisfying.

But it makes me a villain, doesn't it?

"We're not the bad guys.." Wanda whispered.

"Your reading my thoughts again?" I joked.

"Your a hero, you may not be able to realize it now, but you are a hero.." Wanda liked her arm with mine, leaning her head on my shoulder.

The fire burned and I looked down to Wanda and smiled, thinking of one thing and one thing only.

"I love you too, Y/N"

The Gen-Z Avenger| Book 2Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz