026| Shes Gonna Give Him Brain Damage

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Am I still drunk? Yes.

But the morning after a drinking binge and weeping sessions, I wanted to get things done. Even if it meant having glasses and a hoodie on, it was time for training.

"Jarvis, have everyone but Wanda Maximoff and Celeste Maximoff meet in the training room in 15 minutes.." I asked, somehow I still had full access to Jarvis after all this time.

The people huddled into the training area, it had been updated a lot in these past few years.  Everyone was there, apart from the person that called the meeting.

They were gossiping about what they'd heard from the argument last night, something that wasn't any of their business.

"I don't care what you heard or what you have to say about the argument, your opinion isn't valid here!" I yelled as I burst through the door, grabbing everyone's attention, "In six months you will either live or die depending on whether you pay attention here.." I walked to the front of the group.

"Can we-"

"Shut up Steve, go fuck Sharon or something like that.." I tutted, getting an 'oh dang' out of everyone there.

"Y/N, you can't-"

"But that's the thing Steven, I can. Now, if you cannot beat me in a fight, you won't be able to beat Thanos in a fight. You need to learn that up above, we fight with more style. Thanos has two of the most powerful things ever, so if you can't take me down, you can't take him down.." I explained.

"But you have powers-"

"For you, Stark, I won't use powers. I'll use hand to hand combats. Who's up first?" I asked.

Nobody wanted to go, not one bit. That was until Steve offered himself up.

"I'll fight you-"

"One term I forgot to mention," I interrupted him, "Thought this training process, you will referer to me as Captain. Is that alright with you, Rogers?"

He paused.


"Yes, what?"

"Yes, captain.."

Nice of Steve to do what he's told for once. I allowed him to use his shield, not like he'd be holding onto it for much longer.

If use my fists and my wits, Captain Patriarchy would be down in no time. It's not like I don't have the training, better than anything the Avengers ever dreamed of.

"Ready, Rogers?" I asked.

"Aren't you going to take the glasses off?"

"No, why would I?

He looked confused, giving me the advantage to step in and attack first. Strictly hand to hand contact is fine, sometimes I didn't have access to my powers and needed to use this method instead.

He was good at blocking hits, but got consumed mid-block that he didn't realize the second punch had been thrown. Honestly, my only goal here was to prevent future Sharon babies.

His shield was loose and I took my chance, flipping him over my head and sliding the shield off his arm as he fell flat on his back.

"It's been a long time since I held this hunk of metal.." I spoke, Steve was already back up.

I was light on my feet, he couldn't anticipate my movements, that was obvious. With the addition of me having his shield, I whacked him over the head with it, multiple times.

"She's gonna give him brain damage.." Peter whispered to Loki.

"I think he's already got that, a lot of it.." Loki whispered back.

Steve was deteriorating and fast, you probably had never been punched so hard in the throat while his opponent doesn't even break a sweat.

"You wanna call it quits Rogers? Or can you do this all day?" I mocked.

"I'm not quitting.." He coughed out through his breathlessness.

"You've lost Steve, face it.."

He thought about it, laying in defeat with no pride left. Struggling still, he stood up and walked away. I crossed that line Bucky and him used to be thought till.

"Who's next?" I asked the slightly terrified group.

Everyone but Omar and Fleur were shocked, it was quite funny if I'm honest. Nobody wanted to challahs me again and so they trained. They would eventually have to fight a purple raisin, they really needed my help.

I stepped out of the training facility for a moment, I was snacky, okay? As I made my way to the kitchen, Wanda passed me.

"You didn't tell me there was a trading session?" She accused.

"You didn't tell me marrying me wasn't gonna happen.." I breezed right past her.

"Well, I didn't tell everyone about our child!" She called back to me.

"I didn't doubt a six-year-long relationship over one thing that I was fixing!" I called back.

I decided to stay with Celeste, alone in her room, playing. Nobody knew where I was so, they trained. That was that.

Seemingly my non-existent marriage was over but I'd always have Celeste. However, with my plan, Celeste wouldn't always have me.

The Gen-Z Avenger| Book 2Where stories live. Discover now