022| Senator Smart Ass

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The crusty white men in office disliked my return.

I don't know why they hate me, I'm hot, semi-responsible and could kill them at a moments notice. They should fear me, not hate me.

But when word got around to a senator that many moons ago I sorta girl bossed caught wind of me doing hot girl shit against Hydra, he called a meeting.

Steve and Tony being those telltale murdering idiots that they seemed to be, were obviously invited to be yelled at. I was also to be there, probably as the only one with the guts to kill everyone.

I was told not to pull up in some dramatic number, not that I chose to listen to that, these dumb white men don't deserve me but they can deal with it.

"How are you Ms Stark-" Senator Ross opened with, taking my hand to shake, although I pulled it away.

"It's Maximoff, I'm not touching your hand your dumb shit.." I said, pushing right past him.

"Someone's aggressive.." He whispered to Tony and Steve before following me inside.

Once I entered the conference room, it all went silent. The suites were tight and their minds were blank. They were instantly judging everyone who entered and their eyes fell upon the woman who decided that her seat was right at the head of the table.

The room settles and so did everyone's staring glances, meaning they chose not to look at me for five minutes.

"We are here to discuss reckless behaviour from Mr Stark, Mr Rogers and Ms Maximoff.." Senator Ross began, "Stark and Rogers took in Ms Maximoff after she abandoned her team for four years. They both then decided upon giving Ms Maximoff a high profile mission without discussion-"

"Let me rephrase what that bitch just said. I was almost murdered by Stark and Rogers, I left because I didn't really appreciate that, I came back to tell you all that the world was ending and then told you what was happening. If you want to live, you listen to me.." I said, the whore plastered on the men whose fathers paid for their careers faces.

I could see the fear plaster upon their faces, then I noticed the guns being clicked under the tables.

White men doing what their laws say is right, getting trigger happy.

"I'd put the gun down, before you go flying into a wall.." I suggested to the man, he dropped it onto the table in front of me. "Anyone else?"

I noticed one of them getting rather eager to say something. Senator Smart Ass we can call him cause I didn't bother to catch a name.

"Why is this, girl, so special?" He stood up, grandly and quite theatrically walking towards me. "She abandoned her country, life, family and now is telling us we're all gonna die?"

I knew he was loaded, the gun rested in the most likely hand sown pocket of his blazer. Senator Smart Ass was about to put on his big boy boots and try to look cool in front of his team.

"Well, maybe if that little murder plot wasn't around, I would have stayed." I offered to him, standing up and directly facing him now.

He went to reach for his gun, thinking the 'dumb women' before he didn't anticipate this move. Sorry buddy, I did.

"What are you gonna do about it?" He rested the handgun straight on my temple, spitting his words and revealing his true Kentucky accent.

Everyone was panicking, yelling at the foolish young man to put his weapon away. Let's be real, he was going to walk away with just a slap on the wrist no matter how this went down.

Good thing death is afraid of me.

"Oh sweetheart, is that the best you can go?" I giggled, flicking my hand and turning the gun from what once was a chunk of metal to a unique water feature.


"I really hope that I destroy Thanos because after I do, I'll add you to my list of people I need to kill.." I sarcastically smiled at him, flicking my hand again and causing the water to splash all over his suit.

I turned and walked from the head of the table to the door, yelling back as I walked through it "You should really change those gun laws!".

They're all so stupid, and on my hit list.

Senator Ross turned to Tony and Steve who only after dealing with me for two days seemed sorta used to it.

"Do you think she's gonna kill me?" Ross asked Tony.

"You can count on it, we all can.."

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