019| Beer Glass of Tequila

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I live by the fact that is always five o'clock somewhere.

Also for my family, but mainly for the five o'clock thing.

I mean that's when it's deemed socially acceptable to start drinking, even though I don't care, because maybe somewhere it's five.

But after I finished talking with my mother, I went on the hunt for my father. Sam said he was at this dive bar that served cheap but good liquor. Although Bucky could never get drunk from it, he enjoyed the taste whisky brought him.

I was given the address by Sam, put on a baseball cap and some sunglasses to leave the tower. I wasn't ready for the earth to find out I was back, I had to do it dramatically, not accidentally.

I teleported there, lowering the risk of being seen. Although I was going to a public place, Sam made it seem like they were the type of people not to remember my face the next morning.

I'm sure Tony did damage control on the crowd at his dumb party I crashed, maybe he threaten to kill them all too.

I saw him as soon as I entered, sat at the bar with a glass half empty. I know positive people say it's a glass half full, but think of what the fuck my life is right now. I can say what I like.

"Can I get a beer glass full of tequila please?" I asked as I took the seat beside him.

"It's 1 pm? You want a glass of tequila?" The bartender asked.

"A beer glass, yeah.." I smiled, sliding him the cash.

As he went off to make my drink, Bucky and I sat in silence. It was an awkward one, a very awkward one, but I didn't know what to say.

"Here you are.." The man said, flashing me a strange look before walking off.

I started to drink it, I mean to me it was like water as I've had much stronger stuff in space. Bucky looked to my face that wasn't tensing or reacting and reacted with a scoff.

"Something about me bothering you?" I asked, taking another sip.

"My presumed dead daughter just arrived back from the stars, so yeah, something about you is bothering me.." He said, finishing his whisky and calling for another.

"That's understandable, but out of everyone here I thought you'd be the one that would get it the most.." She sighed.

"You've seen some things, I'm guessing.." He said, nodding to thank the bartender for the re-fill.

"The worst part was having to fly off and not be able to get their body's, to bury them. Stella and Cole, two of the casualties, were about ten months married and died instantly in each other's arms. I was their leader, if I did my job right then maybe they'd be here now.." I said, chugging the end of my drink and ordering another.

"You are never gonna be able to save everyone. it's impossible. We left soldiers on the battlefield who hadn't even died yet but were too far gone for us to do anything and they died alone. I believe you did the best you could, with what you could.." Bucky said, looking into his glass instead of to me.

"I'm doing the best I can nowadays, it's not just me I have to take care of.." I smiled, looking to him and back to the greasy drink placed before me.

"I had no part in it. I never did.." Bucky abruptly spoke, commenting on the past.

"I know that.." I replied.

"I wanted to kill the pair of them, brutally. Should have gotten the job done when Hydra had me, would have saved us a whole lot of trouble.." He spoke with a serious tone.

"Don't say that, because then I would never get the chance to kill them.." I smirked, Bucky letting a laugh slip.

There was a bit of quiet for a while, soothing but still silent. Bucky ordered another drink and as he waited he struck up another conversation.

"Never pictured you being a mother, you never liked kids, like at all.." He spoke.

"I'm going to try not to take offence to that.." I shrugged, ordering another drink.

"Not like that, it was just surprising. What's the kiddo like.." Bucky asked.

"She's giggly, at the strangest things you know. When she was about 6 months old it was a plastic bag, all you had to do was shake it and she would go crazy. She's smart like Wanda, definitely didn't get that off of me. Occasionally she'll say some big fancy word and everyone would be super impressed. Ceces a total hot he's though, she controls fire so what did we expect.." I smiled to myself, looking at Bucky.

"She sounds like you. You could always make us laugh on our worst days and when we were especially low. I'd like to make a real impression on her, if you would let me?" He asked.

"You're my dad, of course, you can meet here.." I smiled at him, my eyes getting teary.

"I've always wanted to be a grandfather.." He smiled, looking into the glass, "You seem like you've had a crazy few years.." He smiled.

"Crazy would be an understatement. So, do you think whoever designed your arm would make me a leg? Preferably a left one, maybe I could work with a right, walking would be difficult though.." I rambled on.

"What? No stop messing Y/N, that isn't funny.." He said, not believing in the joke.

"I've broken my leg about, 6 times. I've been stabbed in the thing multiple times. Fluer says at some point it's gonna have to go. Will I call Shuri for a fitting?" I asked.

"How are you so okay with this?!" He raised his tone.

"Because it's just a leg, people have died gruesome deaths right in front of my eyes, I've brought down kings, I've lead arms and even had gods bow down to me. It's a leg, I'll still live to see my daughter grow up. It is what is.." I shrugged.

"I didn't have time to be okay with having no arm, my ming want mine so, you doing better than I am and your leg is still on your body.." Bucky smiled.

"Not for long if I have anything to do with it, and I do.." I smoke red, noticing Bucky was no longer laughing, "What's wrong?"

"I feel like I should be the one to tell you this, plus to advise you not to break the closets thing to you which would be me because my husband would be a tad bit upset because he sort of needs me to make him eggs and only I know how to make them the way he likes them. They're very difficult to get right you know because Samual can be a very picky-"

"James you are rambling.." I interrupted.

"Right okay, here we go.." He said, moving to the next seat over to create distance, "Steve is um, how do I put this in a way that the two party's involved won't be murdered? Okay um, Steve and Sharon have been hooking up, again.." He said, immediately throwing his hand up to protect his face.

"Alright.." I spoke in a calm tone.

"Alright? You're okay with this?!" He said, moving back to the seat beside me.

"There's no problem that can't be fixed, I finally feel ready to murder her.." I sighed.

"I don't think you should kill her, I don't.." Bucky replied.

"Well not without purpose, if she so much as looks at me the wrong way then I'll kill her.." I compromised.

"Well, to killing the devil in the blonde wig!" Bucky said, proposing a toast.

"To satan's less attractive sister!" I clinched my glass against his.

So help that whore if she steps anywhere near me, my wife or my baby. She won't have feet to walk with if she does.

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