08| Keep Her Safe

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People say that when you are in a car crash, everything moves in slow motion.

When it happens, you feel the world around you slow down. When Everly drunkenly crashed our spaceship, I was too drunk to even remember that's how it's supposed to go. I think when I introduced the Guardians to my child, they went in that same type of car crash in slow motion.

"You have a baby?!" Gamora screamed, I think she went sober at that moment.

"I think you need a penis to have a child.." Drax interrupted.

"She adopted, idiot.." Wanda snapped back.

"You have a baby?!" Peter yelled, god he was a bit late to the party.

"Is that not what I literally said, do you need me to introduce her again?" I said, turning to Wanda who was laughing her ass off.

"How- how?!" Rocket said, wanting a cheeky storytime.

"About a year and a half ago we travelled to earth to recruit someone onto our team. In the end, they didn't want to join so we prepared to go back to space a bit disappointed. We got a call then that there was an elemental in Galway, Ireland, that there was a fire elemental that was out of control so prepared to go take them down or calm them down.." Wanda began to tell.

"Turns out it was a two-week-old baby girl who was abandoned, most likely because she was lighting things on fire with her brain. We couldn't leave her there so we took her in, she is probably the best thing to ever happen to us.." I finished, Wanda agreeing.

"How come none of us knew about her?" Gamora asked.

"If people knew about her, our enemies let's say, her life would be in danger. I want to keep her safe. Nobody can hurt her if they don't know she exists.." I answered.

"We leave you for almost four years and you get married, become captain of your own team and have a child?!" Peter yelled out.

"Actually we got married before prison, so you did see us when we had been married for like, 3 months?" I laughed, causing a bit more shock.

"Were not married!" Wanda replied.

"Yes, we are!" I replied.

"We got 'married' on the side of the road to stay together in prison. We aren't properly married, not yet!" She yelled again.

"According to the law we are married and that means you are wife-" I answer back.

"Can someone please explain this?!" Gamora yelled out, stopping the argument.

"When we were escaping earth four years ago, we still had the tiny chip that was in my neck, the bomb. I looked over and saw it beeping, I knew it was gonna blow up. I threw it out into space and it blew up, Tony or Steve had detonated it and tried to kill me, the keyword there was tried. We were flying over Kree and they shot us down.." I explained. "We girl bossed a bit too close to the sun, literally.."

"They thought we were trying to attack them so they tried to arrest us. We went on the run for about 2 weeks where we met this only man who told us that it was considered bad karma to separate a married couple, so he married us on the side of a road. About four days later were arrested.." Wanda continued.

"So Wanda thinks we aren't actually married, but she's wrong. She wears her engagement ring and wedding ring.." I gushed.

"Oh shush, one day we will actually have a real wedding. You know, when the galaxy decides to not need to be saved for five seconds.." Wanda said.

"Well, the galaxy needs us more than ever now.." Carol spoke.

"If Thanos gets all the stones, it's global murder. It's gonna take him about 6 months to get there, he's on the other side of the galaxy. We can protect at least three, he has the power stone. If we're lucky, we can kill him and nobody else has to die.." Gamora said.

"What do you say, Cap? Are we going to go back to earth?" Omar asked, seeing if we were doing some travelling today.

"As much as it pains me to say, yeah, I think we're going to earth.." I spoke.

I mean I wanted nothing more than to stay on my ship with my wife and my baby, except I have to travel to earth, for 6 months.

I hate Thanos.

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