016| An Insult to Gandalf

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Surely people should realize that at this point, it's very unsafe to cross me.

"So, let's get some introductions out of the way.." I said to the group, pointing to the pair of Elementals standing against the wall.

"Oh shit right now?!" Fluer whisper yelled to me, receiving a nod, "Hey, my name is Fluer Laurent. I'm 26 and when I met the boss lady I was training to be a surgeon. I dropped out of the program to run off to space with a group of insane people. I use she/her pronouns and am asexual!" She said, doing a curtsy before elbowing Omar to say their bit.

"Okay um, I'm Omar Williams, I'm 38. I'm from Texas and I'm an ex-military pilot. I did a career in tech after I was discharged and had a passion for food, that's why these four ate proper meals. I use he/they pronouns and am bisexual. I also am a Swiftie, in case that matters.." He spoke, doing there one mini bow and passing the mic back to me.

"Excellent work you two.." I laughed, "So, let's give you a small Y/N run down of the past four years. So about 11 hours after we ran, the bomb in my neck was detonated and I had to throw it out the door of the ship before it killed both Wanda and me-" I began to explain.

"You blew her up?!" Nat screamed out.

"You tried to kill you?!" Bucky yelled, getting off the chair and preparing to kill Steve.

"We didn't try to-"

"Oh shut up Steven, we know you wanted me dead and everyone here knows it." I cut him off, "Moving swiftly along. Because we were flying over Kree airspace when the explosion went off, they believed that we were trying to kill them. So they shot us down and we went on the run for 15 days.." I continued on.

"It was a painful 15 days.." Wanda added.

"Well on day 11 we did get married so, that's a bonus.." I smirked.

"No, that doesn't count as married!" She said.

"We said vows, we said I do, we did rings, your my wife now shut up.." I said in a serious tone, before we both broke out laughing.

"Fine, fine, just finish your speech!" She said in defeat.

"Anyway, we went to prison for 2 months and then the guardians busted us out. We hung around with them for about a month and then found the tesseract in a bar. We went out on our own, built a team that keeps you lot safe and happy. About a year and a half ago we adopted baby Cece over there and then five months ago Thanos attacked us. He left 11 people dead so in turn, he's gonna die.." I finished.

"Well, it seems like you've had a very eventful time.." Tony sarcastically spoke.

"She's being humble, Stark. That girl is a war hero, a literal queen of a kingdom and has more awards than you do brain cells!" Fluer yelled back at the pissed off insecure billionaire.

"Are we not gonna talk about the queen thing?" Scott interrupted.

"Yeah, technically I'm queen of this kingdom somewhere. I was just passing through the place and the king abdicated the throne in favour of me taking it over.." I shrugged it off as if it was nothing, although to everyone else it was apparently a big deal.

"You know, she's like the Kylie Jenner of space. Everyone knows who she is, no matter where we go, someone knows who she is.." Omar declared.

"Think of me as like, the best.." I smiled, leaving the room speechless, "Now let's get to business-"

However before I could tell them about the slow painful deaths they could possibly have if they chose to fight, I was interrupted.

Who dares interrupt me?

"If it isn't Gandalf the wizard! Actually, that would be an insult to Gandalf.." I said as the infamous Dr Strange entered the room.

"Well, it seems you've kept your sparkling personality after all this time.." He sarcastically spoke, cloaking hitting him for his remark.

"Enough of the pleasantries, give me the time stone before I slice your neck off and take it myself.." I said bluntly.

"Oh shit.." Sam whispered.

"What makes you think I would hand it over, I am the Sorcerer Supreme!" He cried out.

"And I'm a bad bitch, who gives a shit?" I said, walking towards him and pulling out a knife that was hidden in my clothing.

"Will you explain what is going on, before you kill me?" He asked as I got in his face.

"Well you didn't explain anything to me, then blew me up anyway.." I replied, hearing Sam say 'oh shit' once again.

There was a silent pause that was due to the unofficial staring contest between me and the doctor.

"Fine.." He said, breaking the stare, "If I think it's urgent enough, I'll hand it over.." He spoke.

"Your gonna think that, mainly because a genocidal version of Barney the dinosaur is gonna wipe out half the life in the universe!" I spoke, walking back to the head of the table.

"When, when will this be happening?" Clint asked.

"He's on the other side of the galaxy right not, meaning with the amount of ship and material he needs to transport, we estimate about 6 months.." I said, turning to the guardians for confirmation.

"We will be up in space, keeping tabs, feeding you back information.." Gamora spoke.

"What do you need from us?" Stephan asked.

"I need you to know that while he is a threat, I'm in charge. You will train and fight and cooperate, or else you'll die a slow painful death.." I spoke.

"Anything else, your highness?" Tony sarcastically scoffed.

"Yes actually, I need a mission, we have to get used to fighting on earth's gravity. Have you wiped out Hydra yet?" I asked, both Steve and Tony shaking their heads, "Thought so, we will take one invasion to go please!"

So I guess we were all onboard to almost die. Let's hope a tin man and patriotic prick actually do.

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