06| Hypothetical Earth Mission

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Do you know about the five stages of grief?

When everyone off of my team died I didn't really go through any of them, I made up my own version of what I went through.

Seeing red.

I wanted my revenge, I wanted to look into Thanos's eyes and see the life drain out of them. 11 of my closest friends were dead because of him.

The people sitting around the booth only had bits and pieces of my story. I think it was time to reveal all of it.

"So, you have a new team.." Gamora said, filling the silence.

"I had a team of elements. 15 of us, including me. Now 11 of them are dead. But you knew that.." I answered back, sipping my drink.

"I control water, bit if hydro for you, if you will.." Omar spoke before taking a long sip of his drink.

"Yeah I'm, I'm air control, hey how are you doing.." Fleur followed with.

"And Celeste is fire, so there's a bit of everything.." Carol said, maybe not realizing what she had said.

Or that they wouldn't know who my biggest secret was.

"Wait, who's Celeste?" Peter quickly replied.

"Cece is the best thing to ever happen to me, you can meet her, I would suppose you would want to talk to the others about your whole, putting Y/N through her trauma thing.." I answered.

"Others?" Rocket asked.

"Two people, my favourite people actually, we can meet them later. So, what's the plan? For your hypothetical earth mission?" I asked, pushing the conversation elsewhere.

"If you go to earth, then three stones will be on that planet. Thanos won't be able to resist it.." Carol opened with.

"It's gonna take him a few months of travel time to get to earth, giving you time to speak with people and train them up on intergalactic maniacs.." Gamora continued.

"Then, you can kill him.." Peter spoke.

"I'm gonna have to talk to my wife about this.." I mumbled.

"So Y/N, what have you been doing for 4 years without our sweet asses?" Peter asked.

"Quite a bit, well that would be an understatement. I've saved the galaxy from threats you haven't even heard of. My team did that. I got married, I was in prison, I've got ten mil on my head and I've never felt more alive.." I confessed, chugging the rest of my drink.

"Bigger the bounty, bigger the fun.." Fleur quoted from our fallen friend.

"We met a guy who used to say something like that, Conor, Cooper-" Rocket tried to remember.

"Cole, his name was Cole.." Omar interrupted.

"He had a gal travelling around that would slap him over the back of the head every time he said that-" Gamora memorized.

"Stella. They got married last year.." Fleur spoke again.

I realized that the topic of our fallen friends seemed to be upsetting the elementals a bit so I decided to move along.

"How did the two of you get into cahoots?" I asked, pointing towards Carol and Gamora.

"I went to Carol's who shared the same idea as me, we knew you were gonna kill Thanos, it was a given. We just wanted to do it write. Your little kid ass would mess it up.." Gamora said, the last part causing a table wide giggle.

"I'm not a kid anymore Gamora, I'm 22. I think I've been doing alright for myself.." I shrugged back.

"Look, if Thanos gets the stones it's game over. He has the power stone, if we play out cards right he won't get the reality stone, your team, Y/N, has the tesseract-" Carol paused for a moment, "-how the hell did you get the thing anyway, I never thought to ask.."

"We were at this bar here, my favourite bar, and I saw this old drunk guy gambling with it. I knew immediately what it was from Loki talking about it and knew this old bitch shouldn't have it. I gambled for it far and square, then I had no clue what to do.." I laughed, the old grump was still sitting in this bar to this day.

He was actually getting wasted at the end of the bar as we spoke.

"Well earth has the time and mind stone, then we can keep Gamora away from Thanos, she burned the map to the soul stone and he would need her to find the thing.." Carol finished, everyone agreeing.

"Well, let's go rope in the misses, I'll get the check this time.." I smiled, standing up from the table and headed back to my bartender.

I stood around waiting for Ear-Al to finish severing, occasionally looking to see if the drunk idiots were still there, still laughing and joking with each other.

"Hey, what do we owe you tonight?" I asked him, pulling out what I knew would be more than enough.

"Tonight's on me, I haven't seen you in a while, so it's good to see you alive.." He smiled.

"I won't be back for a while, I'm going to earth.." I explained.

"Are you sure, from what I know you want to stay very far from that planet?" He asked.

"It's to kill Thanos, I'll take my chances.." I smiled, liking the concern he expressed.

"Do me a favour, keep Celeste out of it.." He. pleaded.

"Cece will be far from the slaughter, don't worry.." I replied.

"And remember, don't lose yourself, revenge isn't everything.." He called out as I collected the idiots to leave.

"It's not everything, until it becomes everything.." I called back, leaving the bar.

That was the last time I ever saw the wise bartender. Although not the last time I had a drink, I mean what do you think gets me through the day.

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