035| The Good in Everyone

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I want to believe.

Some old guy once said that there was good in everyone, he's dead now, probably. Even if he's in the grave, I want to believe him.

People have bad in them, they also have good. People believe that the hero's of earth are completely good, they pin that focus on Steve Rogers. A man who could do no harm. I showed him harm when I posted that video. I don't think he meant me harm, to the extent of what happened. Maybe he is a good man, a good man who makes bad choices. I can believe that, but I'd like to hear him say it. I want to know why he did it.

"From what I've heard, you're a good person."

I stood in the doorway of his room, he was sitting on the corner of his head, staring out the window, being all dramatic and shit.

"Since when do you listen to people?" He didn't look at me when he spoke.

"Since I learned that to lead a team, communication is important." I didn't move to him.

"Why are you here Y/N?" He asked.

"Because I let Tony speak to me and I learned some things. I want to hear what you have to say." I replied.

He paused and thought about it for a moment, taking a deep breath before telling his tale.

"We scouted you out to be an Avenger without telling Fury. He was furious when he found out, mainly because of how powerful you were. He was scared of what you were capable of." Steve began, still facing away from me.

"A given." I agreed.

"So Fury approached Strange and was given the odds of you destroying the earth, he didn't like the odds and decided that you needed to be detained."

"Detained?! Like locked up?!" I said in astonishment.

"He wanted to but you on the Raft, lock you up, even freeze you like they did with Bucky. We wouldn't let him. Then you were taken by Hydra, Fury wanted that bomb in your neck and he didn't care about the cost. Tony put it in, he didn't want to be he put it in. We managed to secretly disable it for a year and a half before Fury found out. We'd meet all the time to try coke up with a compromise but, it didn't work, Fury saw this as the best plan." Steve spoke, dropping his head from the window.

"So you kept it a secret from everyone.."

"You see what people out there think of us now? Fury could do what he wanted and walk away without any consequences. We thought we could pull it out of you without ever letting you know, before we could you found out.." He faced me now.

"Why would you even consider pushing it after I left?" I asked him.

"Nick thought your revenge would be 'to blow up the world' but now I know you only wanted out. So he told us to push it. We didn't want to and we're fighting, then he showed up and we dropped it." Steve explained

"I thought Steve and Tony dropped the button?"

"Sometimes we get the story wrong, she always corrected us"

"You need to believe that we didn't want any of this. You were our kid and we did everything in our power to try to save you.." Steve explained.

"Well you fucking Sharon Carter again, that doesn't have my protection at heart." I joked, a slight laugh escaping Steve.

"I slept with her once in a moment of weakness, I'm not sleeping with her.." Steve cleared up.

"What about Nat?" I asked him.

"I'll always love your mother but she'll never forgive me. I don't expect her to and I know she's happy now. All I want is for her to be happy and by staying out of her way, I'll do it" He smiled, I didn't think he knew about Maria and Mom.

"That's good of you Steve."

"Can you ever forgive me, Tony and I?" Steve looked up to me and asked the one question I didn't consider.

"I'm not sure. Maybe if I hadn't run away, we could have worked something out. I was still a kid. When I look back at my life there are things I never should have seen, never should have been a part of but I was resilient. I thought I was a grown-ass woman who could do anything. Steve, you need to know that I was 18 years of age and betrayed by my only family, I snapped." I shrugged my shoulders, a smile appearing but not a happy one.

"Maybe there is no point to some things, have you ever thought about that? I was backed against a wall, after you left everything broke down. I often think of why I lived in that ice and why I made it here, to this modern-day and I'd like to think it was you. After I woke up I never expected a family, but I found and lost that in you. You hated me when you were a kid because I always stopped the fun but I didn't want you to get hurt, I wanted you to be the best person you could be. Everything I did, had you at heart. There's no coming back from what I did, I understand that but, you are a Rogers. Whether you use that name or not.." He explained.

"I never hated you, Steve. It didn't matter that you were tough with me or that you tried to strip the fun, I knew that you were trying to protect me. Sometimes people took me for a laugh or for fun, but you knew my worth Steve and chose not to exploit it. You were always the responsible one.." I smiled.

"And you were the one with a heart of gold. As much as you don't want to be compared to him, you are like Tony. I don't care that you left, you did what you needed to do. You aren't the same 14-year-old girl I met years ago, you are so much more. You always were the best of us all.." He gushed.

"Your not the first person to tell me that." I smile back.

I think I was right, the good in every one part. People won't ever meet our full expectations, that's not how they work, that's not how the world spins. If you step back and breathe, the world may spin but in the right direction for you. That may not make sense now but remember it, take note of it.

Today I chose to believe in good, tomorrow maybe I won't but I'm focusing on today.

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