·Chapter 1· Interruption

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As I pulled her dress up I yanked her little lace thong to the side before forcefully thrusting into her, she was not as wet as I would have liked but I had no time for foreplay today, I tuned out to the annoying noise that came from her mouth as I focused on my own pleasure while thrusting harder, I was getting closer but her whinny voice was seriously turning me off, as I was just about to cover her mouth with one of my large hands the door to my office swung open.

"Carlos my man...oh sorry I can see you are otherwise busy, we will come back later" my Beta and best friend Sebastian never fuckin knocked on the door, this wouldn't be the first time he has caught me in a "Situation" the only difference today was the other guest he had with him, as I inhaled the scent of my mother I quickly pulled out of Sally my regular hook up, she quickly pulled her dress down and left my office quickly with a small bow to my mother as she passed her...I turned around to face my Beta who had a smirk on his face while raising his brows, the fucker! 

I then saw my mother, her face held emotions that made me feel ashamed for the first time in my life...I quickly grabbed my shirt to cover my torso before facing her...

"Not what I had in mind when I come to visit my only child, I understand you have needs my son but that girl has ideas in her head far above her uses, what will happen when you find your mate or take a chosen, have you even considered how she will feel when she hears of your whoring ways"...

My mothers voice held anger and hurt which consequently made me feel even more shittier than I did before and she was right, I had been brought up to know better or at least be more discreet with my "needs" I glanced over to my Beta who nodded his head and left the room closing the door behind him.

I walked over to my mother and embraced her petite frame, I loved this woman with my whole heart, her and my father had given me everything. Taking a deep breath I sighed...

"I am sorry Mother, I know how you feel about mates, you and I both know I would cherish the one gifted to me by our goddess but, I have began to lose all faith and hope, where is she...could she dead? I have travelled around the world visiting all packs in the hope I would find her with nothing..."

My voice was getting emotional, mates was a touchy subject for me, I knew what people thought of me and the rumor's that were circulated or my womanizing, if my mate was out there she would have also heard of my ways, would she accept me or reject me on those rumor's?

"I know that you, father and the Elders would like me to take a chosen but, I have decided to wait another year, if I do not find my mate by my 31st birthday I will seriously consider selecting a chosen....that I promise to you Mother"

Saying those words made me feel physically sick, I was a fuckin man, the King of fuckin Kings yet I was thinking of taking another woman to rule alongside me, to supposedly love, cherish and give me pups yet, this woman would not be my fated mate. I sent a silent prayer up to the Moon Goddess asking for help and guidance with my mate.

l looked down at my mothers face and placed a kiss on her head, I made a promise to myself there and then to try to be a better man and son for my parents, my people and my fated...wherever she was...

Carlos King of the KingsWhere stories live. Discover now