·Chapter 17· Growing

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                                                  ·MATURE CONTENT·

Time just seemed to whizzing by, my babies were growing far too quickly for my liking but, they all were turning into such beautiful, kind souls with their own little ways, Fernando was just like Carlos, he was the leader of the 3 and was very protective over his brother and sister, he was always looking, listening and learning, it was quite obvious he was a born to lead, Jose was a mix of both of us, he was always wanting to help his brother, sister or anyone who needed it, he also loved to joke and make everyone laugh, much to Fernando's annoyance..Mr serious!! Then there was our little princess Sofia, she only had to flatter those dark chocolate eyes and sweeping lashes and she had everyone wrapped around her pinky..especially her Daddy and grandads! Sofia was growing into a beautiful kind girl who had formed a great friendship with the not so little Patrick, sometimes if his parents were busy he would come to visit on his own but, he always came for the last week of every month. The bond between him and Sofia was so strong even at a young age. After many discussions between us all it was decided that we would go to the Vampire Kingdom every 3 months so that Sofia would grow to know her surroundings and the people she would rule alongside of her mate once they turned of age. It was Patrick's 15th birthday today so we were all going along to the Vampire Kingdom to celebrate as a family, both of our parents had become so at ease with Caleb, Rose and Patrick it just felt right that we would all go to celebrate, Seb, Marcy and their little girl Alice would be looking after the Kingdom for a long weekend. Alice was just 2 months younger than the triplets, she was a little tinker and had the same fiery looks as Marcy, she took great pleasure in doing anything possible to annoy Fernando who was her exact opposite, she was also inseparable from Sofia, they went everywhere together so this weekend would be trying to say the least for Seb and Marcy! 

As we approached the beautiful Mansion that was home to Caleb, Rose, Patrick and their family I could see the excitement in Sofia's eyes, in her hands she held the present she had chosen and gift wrapped all by herself for Patrick, she was nibbling her bottom lip which she always does when nervous, Jose must have felt this and held her hand.."Don't worry Sof he is going to love the present"...my heart melted at his words and the reassurance he offered his sister..."Do you really think he will?" she asked nervously..."He will love it Sof"...We pulled to a stop and Carlos jumped out first opening my door for me giving me a cheeky wink...ha I knew his score the horny Lycan, he wanted more pups and was trying every way possible to get in my knickers, I personally thought 3 was enough and they were now 12 years old, I was more than happy with just the sex but my horny mate had put that thought in my mind and now I was starting to like the idea of maybe more pups...I must be crazy! 

The door opened and Patrick came running down the steps going straight to Sofia and pulling her into a bone crushing hug..."I have missed you so much Sof, it has been far too long!!"...Sofia snorted at this causing everyone to giggle and look at me..well I can't help it can I if she inherited the snorts!..."It has only been 2 weeks silly since you last visited but, I have missed you also" she blushed...aww these two were so cute!!...Caleb, Rosa and their beautiful family all stood waiting for us and for Patrick to release Sofia, after getting the bags out and been shown to our rooms we had time to change before going to eat and give gifts..everyone noticed how Patrick's eyes only left Sofia's to stare at the beautiful gift wrapped present!! We all sat at the table and sang Happy Birthday to Patrick, he blew out the candle and made his wish while looking directly into Sofia's eyes causing a blush to spread from her neck to her forehead...Carlos and Caleb both cleared their throats looking at both daughter and son, I thought it was cute...Patrick had many gifts, he was a very grateful child but he was only interested in a certain person's gift..Sofia held her hands out shyly and gave him the gift.."I hope you like it Patrick" she said as she fiddled with her fingers...He tore the bow and paper off and just looked at the gift not saying a word..my baby girl had put so much thought into her gift, it was a large heart frame filled with a collage of photos of herself and Patrick from babies to now, Patrick looked up to a nervous Sofia and grinned..."This is wonderful Sofia, I love it so much, thank you I will hang it in my room"...walking over to her and giving her another hug and a peck on her cheek...I could feel my head being nudged and knew my mate was trying to link me..."We will need to keep a closer eye on these two, she is still so very young, I don't want any ideas put in her head"...I scoffed at this and closed my link while giving the stare to my grumpy mate! 

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