·Chapter 18· Fated's and family (part 1)

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Jose part 1

I was so happy for my brother but it came as no shock to me...anyone (except those two apparently) could see the connection, I loved Alice like another sister and I knew she would be perfect for my oh so serious brother..thinking about those two made me smile..she was a sassy, fiery, passionate little thing who loved everyone and everything..yep she was perfect for the serious Fernanado...then there was Sof, she had also found her fated before she was even born..her mate Patrick was to be the future King of the Vamps and my little sis would be his Queen, he was a pretty cool guy actually and he came to visit every month for 1 week to build their bond, my parents and Patrick's kept a close eye on them as Patrick was now 15 but he was very respectful..as I lay on my bed I couldn't help but think about my fated...would I be given one or would the moon goddess be ashamed of me?

My mind wondered to my grandparents and the love and affection they had for each other then there were my parents, they were so much in love..unfortunately for me I sometimes had to hear this "Love" as my room was nearest to theirs...they were like a pair of teenagers, I wonder if I should confide in them? We have always had such a good relationship and we have always spoken about anything its just this is different, I'm only just coming to terms with it myself but I know I would feel so much better if I spoke with them....I made a vow to myself to speak with my parents tomorrow...be brave Jose.

The following morning when I went downstairs, breakfast was busier than normal, Dad, Mom, Seb and Marcy were discussing the arrival of some new families who's pack had been destroyed by the recent wildfires, we had lots of land and theirs were only a small pack, from what I could understand they would start arriving from mid-day...I didn't want to interrupt the conversation but I knew if I put it off any longer Id chicken out..."Dad, Mom...can I talk to you both please in private?"...both my parents turned to me quickly both scanning my body to ensure I was not hurt anywhere before turning to me with concern etched on their faces...you see I was "Jose"..the happy go lucky one, never caused problems, always happy and smiling...I loved my family but I needed to clear this weight from my chest so I could continue being a 12 year old again and the Jose they all new, at this moment in time I was far from "happy Jose"..I was worried how my parents and family would react, would they be ashamed of me?..my dad stood from the table and his massive frame looked over me..

"Come son, lets go to my office"..he slung his arm around my shoulders as we walked with my mom following behind..mom closed the door once we entered and we all sat around the desk, I felt a lump the size of a ball in my throat and I suddenly felt very vulnerable and emotional, my mom reached for my hand and gave it a squeeze..."There is nothing you can not tell us Jose, whatever has been bothering you lately you can speak openly about it with us"..I looked into my moms dark brown eyes, she was the most beautiful woman I knew..I cleared my throat and swallowed hard..

"Well...I'm not really sure how to even begin but I have been thinking about my fated mate recently" I stopped to gauge their reaction and both had open faces..."I'm worried you see, incase I don't have one like Fernando and Sof..maybe the moon goddess will be disappointed in me"... I stopped to see my mom frown and my dad look sad..

"Son, no one would ever be disappointed with you..the moon goddess or your family, I understand your sister and brother have found their mates but, I also believe you will too son, it may not be soon like your brother and sister but you will find that 1 person made for you, you need to be patient and have faith"...I looked to them both...here goes..

"The thing is, I'm not like Fernando and Sof, I'm different and this is why im scared..you see I don't want a girl fated..I like boys"...I looked down to my lap as I felt the loss of contact of my moms hand thinking she must be disappointed but, then I felt a big hand lift my chin up and my dad was kneeling infront of me with a smile on his face..."Son you have no need to feel like a disappointment, you are not different, you just have different tastes" he chuckled..my dad was chuckling..I glanced over to mom and she projected nothing but love for me as she spoke...

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