·Chapter 8· Soulmates

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Carlos POV

I could not believe I had found my mate, she was fuckin stunning, my eyes roamed over her body, she was curvy but toned which meant she trained hard, her breasts were heavy and the material on her dress barely contained them, fuck..I pulled my cloak around my body more to cover the ever growing hard on straining in my dress pants.

As I grabbed her hand to lead her to the parlor the electricity zapped and danced through my body confirming who she was to me, she was mine! My beast was purring away in my head like a baby looking at our mate..."Mate is sexy as fuck yeah? You need to mark her and mate her, others will want what is ours" he growled in my head..."No one will take what is ours, calm down my friend we will mark our beautiful mate soon, for now you need to take a back seat so I can concentrate"...after him huffing and letting me know he was not happy about this I had no option but to block him out, as I entered the parlor, we headed over to the large sofa, as I sat I pulled my sexy mate on my lap sideways so I could see all of her beautiful features. I could see her eyes swirling and I could see she was thinking about something, I suddenly felt uneasy..fuck what if she doesn't want me or even worse rejects me? I needed to know more about this angel on my knee, nervously I began..."I have waited so long for you, I looked everywhere my love..can I ask how old you are and your name?"...after a few seconds she stood from my lap making me feel confused and lonely, fuck we had only just met and I was already in love with this beauty before me...feeling very uncertain of myself for the first time in many years I asked her..."Do you not want me love?"...she turned around to face me and stared deep into my eyes, even though she was nervous she held herself tall, she looked so fuckable but more so I felt so proud of this woman before me, she was going to be an excellent Luna and Queen...well that is if she doesn't reject me!...

Lila POV

"My name is Lila Barnes and I am 22 years old, I come from the New Moon pack, I am the daughter of Alpha Robert and Luna Eliza..as for your question "Do I not want you?"..well yes I want you, you are my mate but, I have heard many things about you my King and I wish for us to get to know one another first"...I looked over to him making sure to look into those oh so sexy eyes..oh god, I was well and truly fucked where he was concerned!.."I want to get to know you, not the rumor's that I have heard on the "Womazing King" I will also let it be known now, I will not tolerate any shit... King or not, I want the truth before anything goes any further between us including any crazy hoes that are likely to pop up to try and sabotage our relation before it can even begin!"....there I had done and said it,

His face held a proud smirk and that sexy dimple was there, as I looked closely I could see a light splattering of freckles dusted across his nose, he was a one fine looking specimen of a man and he was all mine...well hopefully!

Boths POV's

As I looked over to my sexy angel I had never been more turned on than I was right now, this feisty woman was just what I needed, the Goddess had done me well and had given me the perfect match...as I tried my hardest to not smirk at her I saw her cock an eyebrow looking at me challengingly...fuck I could feel the tightness across in my pants..it felt like the material was going to give way at any second but I couldn't help it, there was nothing more that I wanted than to lay her down on this sofa and give her pleasure like no other had....fuck was she a virgin? Do I need to kill any previous lovers?...I felt a pain in my chest just thinking about another male touching what's mine!

I took a deep breath and decided honesty was the only way forward, she was my fated, my love, my other half and she needed to know the good, bad and the ugly...

"As you wish my love we can take things at your pace, but I will warn you now I am fighting my beast the best I can, he is desperate to mark and mate you right here and right now!"...as I spoke I could see a blush cover from her neck right up to her face, she lowered her face as she fiddled with her fingers, I leaned forward and in one swift move she was back on my lap but this time facing me, this intimate position was doing nothing to ease my throbbing dick but I needed her close to me, I needed to look in to her eyes and gauge her reaction...I lifted her chin so we were both looking deeply into each others souls...

.."As you already know my name is Carlos, if you accept me as your mate once we have got to know one another you my angel will be my equal and, my future Queen, I am 30 years old and for the first time in my life I am scared, you have my heart in the palm of your hand angel and the ability to crush it at any time, unfortunately some of the rumor's you have heard are mostly true"..I stopped to gage her face but it was blank, I took another deep breath and continued...

"I have killed and tortured many as you are aware but, this I do not regret, it was done for the protection of my..our Kingdoms safety, the other rumor's regarding my "womanizing" please let me explain"...I could see the hurt in her eyes and a little pool of unshed tears, I felt like the worst fucking person on this planet, I had an ache deep in my chest but she needed to know and she had asked...

"Please hear me out but, let me hold you, I will only tell you the truth, I could never lie to you, you do understand that?"...she nodded her head trying so hard to remain in control while I ran my hand back and forth across one of her arms..."I started my search for you as soon as I turned 18 and was crowned King, I went to visit all surrounding packs but you were obviously younger and I couldn't detect your delicious scent, my parents both continued to assist me with trying to find you, we held balls every year until I turned 25 years old, at this point I felt alone and was unsure if I'd even been blessed with a fated...on my 26th birthday I lost my virginity, I have never had a relationship with any female and all of my hook ups were nothing more than sex, no feelings, nothing!"...I stopped to see a lone tear roll down her cheek, my beast push forward calling me all names under the sun for hurting our mate and making her cry, he had warned me each time I screwed someone that I shouldn't be doing it and asked me what would our mate think, each time I would block him out!

I gently wiped the tear away from her cheek before another fell, I leaned forward and slowly kissed the other away, her breath caught and she leaned back slightly..."Continue" was all she said, hurt evident in her voice...

"All of the woman I have been with have been outside of the Kingdom except one, we had regular appointments until recently when I decided to call things off, she got quite angry when I ended our appointments, she then insulted my Mother which I was non too pleased about as you can imagine.."

"Why did she insult your mother and what is your relationship now with this she wolf? "...she tried to climb off my lap but I held her waist firmly..."Please stay here, I need you close so badly now"...I didn't care how fuckin desperate I sounded I would and will do anything to make this right and earn her forgiveness...she nodded her head for me to continue and stopped struggling...

"I had no feelings towards Sally, I had been warned several times by my Beta and best friend regarding her but, I thought she knew how I felt and, I thought it was mutual. When I asked for a meeting with the she wolf I asked my Beta to be present, once she arrived I explained to her that I had realized it could no longer continue and that we could no longer see each other like that anymore, I wished her well and I guess things took a turn for the worse, she started shouting and crying saying it was all my mothers fault, that she had never liked her then, she started insulting her and blaming her for my decision"

I stopped to breathe while closing my eyes, I pinched the bridge of my nose to try and remain calm and not scare my mate, just thinking about that bitch made my piss boil!...I was suddenly brought out of my thoughts as tingles danced across my cheek, I opened my eyes and my breath got caught in my throat, my beautiful mate was staring so intimately into my eyes while caressing my cheek with gentle butterfly strokes, I gently leaned in towards her focusing on her lips but I stopped giving her full control, I looked into her eyes and she nodded her head shyly, I leaned in and captured her lips in the softest way possible, she tasted of chocolate and orange, my new favorite flavours, I gently swiped my tongue across her lips and she gasped letting me gain access, I had never experienced anything like how I felt now, my heart felt like it would explode with love while my cock was throbbing with blood flowing from the lust I felt. Tiny arms wrapped around my neck and her fingers traced up and down my cropped hair, I couldn't help the groan escape my lips, I was in fuckin heaven!..she pulled away flushed while giving me a heart stopping smile before asking...

"No secrets ok and no lies, for us to work I need to trust you entirely, even though I feel hurt and jealous, what happened was in the past, I am no fool so please do not ever think you can treat me as one...I Lila Helena Barnes accept you King Carlos Fernando González as my fated mate"

I didn't wait a second more as my lips crashed once again against hers as relief flooded my entire body..I had found her at long last and she was perfect in every way...this was the start of our beginning...our life together and I was so very excited... She'd accepted me.... 

Carlos King of the KingsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora