·Chapter 12· Sorry

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"Fuck man what am I going to do, all I can feel is how fuckin upset and disappointed she is through the bond, I feel that myself...and don't look at me like that with your "I told you so" face!"...I felt lost, I wasn't sure how to mend this, all I knew was that I loved Lila with all my heart, I may have been her first everything but, she was mine also, the other women meant nothing but a release to me, how the fuck do I even start to explain that to her, she was my everything, I could fuckin kill Sally for this and she will be punished for disobeying my order! Javi and Seb walked in step with me, Javi was the first to break the silence..

"Listen, we've been friends for as long as I can remember, your like a brother to me but, what you did was not right, she feels disrespected and embarrassed man, fuck I would too having that slag shout all my personal shit out in the town square like she did! Now you have to make it better"..."But I don't know how man, how do I make up for something like that?"...Javi stopped right in front of me causing me to halt..

"Listen, you know me and Lucy didn't have the greatest starts, like you I didn't wait for my fated and I regret that every day but it happened, if Lucy can forgive me Lila will forgive you man, we have loads of time before you have to leave to go back to the New Moon pack, make a picnic lunch and apologize, fuckin grovel man and tell her how you feel from your heart. This mate stuff is magically man, she loves you and will forgive you but that doesn't make it right what we've done to our mates, she needs to trust you again"...fuck this was deep shit, giving my two friends a slap on the back I walked off to the kitchen to start on making my apology. As I was in the kitchen preparing the food my father walked in..

"How are you son, I heard what happened"..."I feel like crap, not only did I not wait my past has now embarrassed her, I only hope she accepts my apology and can learn to forgive me"...I felt like the weight of the world was on my shoulders, running the fuckin Kingdom was easier than this!.."Son you are not the only one to have made that mistake trust me, your mate is strong and will forgive you just like your mother did me"...at this I stood gaping at my father..."Your mother is talking with her now, give them half an hour son then go find her"..I gave my father a bone crushing hug, my parents had always meant the world to me and I would not manage without them.."Thanks for the chat dad, I needed that"..."Your welcome my son, now go get yourself ready!"...... 

After my chat with Marcy I made my way indoors, I knew my face looked like shite, my eyes were puffy from crying and my nose was red, I just hoped I didn't bump into anyone! Turning into the hallway Carlos's mom was walking towards me, she was a lovely lady and I knew we would have a great relationship in time..she had a kind smile but that suddenly fell once she saw my face..."Are you ok love? I heard what happened and I am so sorry. Do you have some time to take tea with me?"...the last thing I felt like was taking tea but I didn't want to be on my own either, why not!. "You have nothing to apologize for, what happened back there was not your fault but your son's doing, and yes I'd love tea and some company"....she smiled brightly at me and linked arms walking to the parlour where a maid was already leaving a tray with tea, milk and sugar..

"Thank you my dear, that will be all for now"..the maid bowed then left us alone, I smile at the beautiful lady in front of me, from what I had seen so far she was kind to everyone but I had no doubt in my mind she would be hell if you crossed her!.."Now I wanted to talk to you about today, you see I was in the exact situation you was in today, unfortunately Vicente did not wait for his fated either, like father like son ay?"...I was trying to drink my tea and not splutter at the information she had just told me..

"What did you do? I feel such a fool after this morning, I was well aware of Carlos's ways before we even met, I'm sorry but I mean who hasn't heard of his womanizing ways, but to have it shouted to me and everyone else to hear in the town square made it all too real, I feel angry, jealous and a little dirty if I'm honest that he would be so desperate to even go with that she-wolf, I just don't know what to do"..."My love the jealousy I felt burned deep in my heart for a long time, Vicente's indiscretion was with someone that worked here, it wasn't until I heard the staff gossiping behind my back that I learnt of it"...I swallowed hard while taking all of this in and listening to this brave woman before me,..."You obviously was able to forgive him and move on and I really want to do that too, I just feel so hurt by all of this"..."Listen hunni when I still think about it a could rip his balls off, don't looked so shocked my love, he knows exactly where he stands even to this day..I forgave him but I have no means forgotten what happened, men are selfish creatures that think with their dicks before most other things!"...at this I did splutter my tea out followed by a not so graceful snort..this woman was going to be a great friend! 

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