·Chapter 5· Birthday boy

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As I walked towards the ballroom with Seb I could hear my mother barking her final orders to the staff, both myself and Seb couldn't help but laugh, it was obvious she had been planning this long before she suggested the idea that was for sure! As I entered the ballroom I glanced over at my mother, she had done herself proud this time, the room sparkled beautifully, at the end of the room was the dance floor and stage with a band set up and slightly raised to the side were the thrones, hopefully the one for my mate will be filled soon! My beast was anxious, we had been out hunting more than usual this week as he was restless and continuously muttering in my head, apparently Seb had the same issue with his, I'm putting it down to the pressure this week and constantly thinking about my mate and where she was...

"Happy birthday my boy, come here, let your mother give you a kiss"..my mother gently kissed my cheek while staring into my eyes..

"Are you ok my son?" She held so much care and concern in her eyes..."I am fine mother, just a little stressed" I replied, she nodded her head knowing exactly what I was concerned about and it wasn't just finding my mate, everyone from the Kingdom was invited and this left me uneasy, even though Sally had been warned to stay away from all the Royals she was not to be trusted, I had notified the guards to keep a close contact at all times, I would not have her making a scene tonight!

The castle was now in full swing, caterers were adding their final touches and the waiting staff had been given their final orders, I made my way to my suite and a bath had already been drawn for me, I removed my shoes and clothes then lowered myself into the milky water and felt all of my muscles ease instantly, because today was my birthday I had taken the day off from my usual paperwork, I still had the training to oversee but with the help of Seb and my Gamma Javi we soon got through all ranks, I was proud of our warriors and the reputation I had built for the Kingdom, we had alliances with all the Super naturals and it was very rare for issues to arise but, I was always prepared. My clothes were hanging and waiting in my room as I exited the bathroom, I had chosen a dark blue three-piece suit which would look striking with my Royal robe and crown, as I was just finishing up my Father linked me asking if I was ready, it was time to go, for some reason my stomach was dancing with nervous bubbles, all my mothers talk of me finding my mate tonight has got me on edge, pouring a quick whisky to take the edge off I downed it in one...I opened my door to be greeted by my Beta and best friend Seb, he was dressed in a formal dark Tux...walking in step with me we walked down the sweeping staircase and made our way to a waiting Javi...

"Looking good boys, I hope one of you two gets lucky tonight" he wiggles his brow making both me and Seb laugh, Javi had found his mate earlier this year and was expecting his first pup, I tried hard to fight the envy that washed over me, I was truly happy for them both but now I also wanted this life...

I couldn't help but hope tonight was my night, I was getting restless to share my life with my fated! I walked over to the platform where the thrones were, my father and mother stood to one side of my throne and my Beta Seb to the other with Javi slightly behind him, I sat down and let out a sigh, my father patted my shoulder.."It will all be fine my son, tonight is a celebration of your birth, try to enjoy yourself"...I rubbed his hand that was resting on my shoulder and thanked him for his continued support... just before the guests were announced one of the castle elders walked across to where I was seated with my robe and crown in his hand..."Your majesties...my King" he bowed his head as a sign of respect for my family, Beta and Gamma, I made my way over to him to put both items on and thanked him before sitting back down on my throne, I was now ready to face my Kingdom!

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