·Chapter 19· News and apologies

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Part 1

Carlos got himself ready for his day, he leaned down to kiss his beautiful Queen while thinking about their night of love making, thinking of his angel screaming his name brought a smile to his face..gathering his jacket he left his love to sleep, he had quite a few thing to do today but the main one was speaking with Alarick, his little princess had come home and he knew she was upset over something, after a while my baby girl has confided in her Mama and explained how she had offended Patrick and things were now different between them both, she was so passionate and so excited about meeting her wolf, it was a huge part of her and our culture so it is only natural for concern..I got to the office and phoned Alarick straightaway, our Elders had been looking into this for me personally for quite some time but I just needed confirmation from Alarick and the Vampire Elders. We spoke for quite some time regarding what both sets of Elders had found regarding the marking and mating of two species, we were both pleased that we had the same information and this made us both very happy for our kids, it seemed that after the marking both Patrick's and Sofia's strength would double, not just because of their Royalty but because they both have strong genes, Sof will still remain a wolf but she may have needs to hunt and feed occasionally but her wolf will remain the main part of her, the only concern was that any children they have will be hybrids with an amazing strength and a huge possibility of holding certain powers, this would put them at risk but, as I live and breath I will protect my family and any grandchildren likewise the Vampire Kingdom will also protect their leaders..as I was finishing off my work I had a horrible feeling wash over me, I knew instantly it was Lila, I quickly made my way up to our room to see Lila on the bathroom floor throwing up...I crouched down beside her moving her hair out of the way while rubbing her back..."Can I get you some water angel?"...she nodded her head yes as I was already standing to grab her a drink, I couldn't help the happy feeling bubbling in the pit of my stomach, we have been here before and I remember it well, it needs confirming but I'm 99.9% certain we are expecting a pup!!! Lila stood to take a drink looking slightly pale, she looked up to me with a small smile on her face..I couldn't hide my own...

"It alright for you stud, your not the one puking every morning so wipe that smirk off your face"..once she rinsed her mouth I swooped in to lift her up, her gorgeous little legs wrapped around my waist and I was instantly hard for her..."Steady on wolfy"...growling and nipping her neck I laid her down on the bed..time to show my angel just how bad this wolfy can get!

After playing hooky for nearly 2 hours we were both showered and dressed, I had messaged Nancy to see if she could see Lila so that's where we were off to, we both knew Lila was expecting but we wanted confirmation and a date, we had left it a little longer to have more pups but we felt that the time was right again.."Good morning Carlos and Lila, so looking at Lila I think I have a feeling what this could be about, come lets go through"..Nancy had a big smile as she led us into the room, Lila climbed on the bed and rolled her top up and Nancy laughed, we had become good friends with Nancy over the years and I would trust no other with my angel and pups..."Right then here goes"..she squirted the gel on Lila's stomach and rolled the wand across and there it was, our little pup, Lila was laughing and crying at the same time, I could feel my eyes fill just like each other time we had been here, I was truly amazed and I felt so much love and respect for my gorgeous mate who was carrying this little life within her...as soon as the sound was turned up the room was filled with that precious sound, the strong heart beat of our little pup, tears started to rolled down my cheeks...I was truly blessed. Nancy confirmed that Lila was 7 weeks and this time there were only 1 pup in there which made us both chuckle. I once again asked for 5 photos and Nancy laughed, she remembered from last time even though it was 13 years ago of the specific number I asked for...after getting cleaned up we left the clinic to go back to the castle, everyone was in the kitchen after morning training..Lila took one of the photos and pinned in on the fridge...The kids all looked at the photo then to myself and Lila, Sof started crying jumping up to hugg us both, the boys seemed quite surprised but were still very happy to be having another sibling..Eliza and my mom Gloria were hugging us while my dad and Lilas had big grins on their faces.."Please tell me its not triplets again!!" ..Robert asked laughing...Lila nudged her dad playfully.."No dad just the one this time, but this one will be a Christmas baby"...the kitchen was filled with laughter and love, a Christmas baby...I couldn't wait!

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