·Chapter 4· Shopping trip

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Marcy and I were sat in front of the TV watching junk while waiting for everyone to arrive, we had both trained hard this morning and decided we deserved a well-earned rest. Mom was in the kitchen with Beta female Emma cooking her famous quesadillas and spicy corn salad, the smells wafting in the room were amazing, we had the Beta family joining us this evening and it always turned into a great night normally followed by cards or darts..

"Honey can you help set the table please" mom shouted from the kitchen..."Sure Mom"...both myself and Marcy got up and laid the table for the 8 of us, just as we were finishing the men of the family came in all sporting big grins...not sure what that's about, I shot Marcy a quick look but she just shrugged her shoulders at me obviously wondering the same...

"Hi princess" dad bent to give my cheek a quick peck before going off to find mom. Both boys gave us a squeeze along with Beta Cain, the men sat to the table while we grabbed the bowls of food to take to the table, as I walked in the boys were all mumbling but stopped as Marcy and I entered making me suspicious once again...I'm sure they will tell me sooner or later!

Dinner was amazing as usual, we cleared the plates and Matty and Luke helped with cleaning up, as soon as we were finished father asked us to join them at the table..."Girls we have received an invitation, it's to attend the King's 30th birthday ball this Saturday evening at the castle, the invitation is for the Alpha and Beta family as well as any unmated females over the age of 18 years old, the boys will also be accompanying us, hopefully you all find your mates...Lila my child close your mouth, you will catch flies!" my father chided as I sat like a codfish with my mouth opening and closing...I was so excited, we were all grinning from ear to ear, it was an honor to be invited to the castle..Mom was already discussing a shopping trip with Beta Emma for tomorrow as the ball was in 2 days time, the house was suddenly filled with hope and I couldn't hide my own excitement... all I needed was to find him...the one made for just me. The following morning the boys all went to get their tux from the city while us girls went to the mall with warrior Nathan to get our dresses and shoes. As soon as we arrived at the mall me and Marcy went off to our favorite shop, it had never let us down before and I was hoping more than ever it would do us well today, as we walked in we were greeted by the lovely young girl that works there, as she soon as she saw us her face beamed.."Ladies it is so good to see you again, I'm presuming you are here for the ball?" she asked with an excited look in her eyes..."Hello Claire, yes we are here for gowns but, we'd like something different please" ...Claire got to work straightaway and carried several gowns over to the dressing rooms, both myself and Marcy followed behind..."So girls who want's to go first?" as we looked at each other, she quietly asked me..."Do you trust me?"...

"Of course, you have helped me many times and I have always been happy with your choices"...a slight blush graced her cheeks as she ushered me in the changing room. An excited hum went through the room as I heard Marcy gasp...I knew straight away this was going to be the dress before I tried it on! Claire had chosen the most beautiful dress I had ever seen, it was silver tulle with a diamond plunge neck...as I stepped out Marcy gasped with her hand to her mouth, in our 22 years I had never known her speechless but, it appears today she was, to me that meant only one thing...Sold,,,the dress was mine! 

Next was Marcy's turn..."I have just the dress for you, it will complement your hair and skin beautifully"..I loved Claire, she was so passionate and truly wanted us to find the perfect gown! Marcy stepped out and I was blown away, she had a figure hugging long gold gown that made her glow..."Do you like it Lila? I have never worn anything like this before but I feel beautiful"...slight color stained Marcy cheeks, she had no reason to be uncertain, she looked truly stunning! "Awww Marcy you look amazing, I only have one concern though"...both girls frowned at me while I giggled..."What are our fathers and brothers going to say when they see us dressed like this!!"..."I guess no one can see the dresses until the night, I've made my mind up and this is the one"..Marcy spoke confidently while smiling at myself and Claire! After getting shoes to match with the new gowns....which I will add are ridiculously high...we left the store thanking Claire to go find our Moms, both were walking towards our store with Warrior Nathan holding several bags, we all decided not to peek at each other's gowns and wait until the night, with us all living in the pack house Marcy and I had decided to get dressed together and do each others hair, I was now officially excited and praying to the moon goddess that my mate would be there...I was ready!

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