·Chapter 11· Breakfast with a side of bitch

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                                                                           ·MATURE CONTENT·

As I tried to roll over in the warm bed I could feel the weight and warmth of my mates arm draped across my middle, I turned to be met with the most gorgeous dark brown eyes, they were definitely darker than mine!.."Good morning my Queen"..his voice was gruff and sexy..."Morning my King" I sassed back, to this he squeezed my arse cheeks and laughed, as I tried to leave the bed to head for the bathroom his grip tightened.."Where do you think you are going my love?"..."I need to pee and shower" I stated, releasing his grip I went to the bathroom to pee, turning the shower on I stepped under the hot water, I was still a little sore from last night's activities but not as much as I thought I would be. Just as I started to rub the soap into my arms I felt a hard body press against me making my fanny twitch and pulse with want..."Hummm you smell amazing my love, I would offer to wash you but I have something else far more important first to attend to"..looking up at his face he wore a sexy smirk and that oh so sexy dimple, before I could register what was happening my back was push up against the wall while he assaulted my nipples with tiny bites and tugs making me moan.."That's it baby, fuck you turn me on so much"..his voice was thick as he trailed kisses from my tits to my mark where he sucked on it hard making my legs turn to jelly, grabbing my backside he hoisted me up so I was hovering above his large, hard cock, I wrapped my legs tightly around his waist whilst he slid inside of me, fuck, my eyes rolled to the back of my head in pleasure while seeing stars..."Oh my god Carlos" I panted as he pumped faster and harder, the shower water was raining down over the both of us which was turning me on even more, running my hands over his cropped hair I clenched my muscles around his heavenly cock while my orgasm pulsed through my body, at the same time I could feel his juices fill me to my limit. Looking into his eyes he kissed me slowly then rubbed my nose with his.."I love you Lila, so fuckin much sweetheart"...I could have cried at hearing this, his eyes held so much love for me and me only.."I love you too baby"...After another heated session while trying to get dry and dressed we made our way downstairs to breakfast, Marcy and her mate, who Carlos had told me was called Seb were seated with the former King and Queen. Carlos held my hand and led me to the table to sit next to him..."Good Morning everyone, let me introduce you all to Lila my beautiful mate and the future queen"...he spoke with affection and love while looking around the table..."Lila, these are my parents Vicente and Gloria and my Beta and best friend Seb, my Gamma Javi and his mate Lucy"...everyone waved and greeted me, I was just about to bow to the former King and Queen when Carlos grabbed my hand.."Sweetheart, you bow to no one, you are my equal now and these are your family"...I felt my heart swell with this. During breakfast Carlos's parents said we needed to arrange the welcoming of myself and Marcy to the pack and also to introduce me as the future queen, we agreed on this weekend and that the coronation would be the end of the month so that gave us 3 weeks, I was excited for my new life and role with my mate. I managed to grab Macy for 5 minutes before we went to walk around the pack...

"That's quite a mark you got going off on that neck Marcy" I snorted while teasing my friend who seemed to have a little limp in her step this morning..."That good of a night eh?" I asked wiggling my brows, at this she playing slapped me.."Are you telling me you got no action? Fuck Lila I have had 4 baths and it still stings like hell, I have told him he can keep it away from me today, he is a walking hard on!!"...at this I was bent double laughing at my friend, Carlos, Seb and Javi looked over to us while Seb had the knowing smirk on his face as if he knew exactly what we were talking about!...Lucy was giggling while walking with us..."It only gets worse, mark my words" she said while rubbing her slightly swollen belly, at this we both snickered, I had no complaints whatsoever, I thoroughly enjoyed being royally fucked!..."I can sense your arousal and naughty thoughts through our link sweetheart, if we are to ever go to greet our Kingdom and eat with your parents you need to steer that pretty little mind of yours in a different direction"...I turned around to see Carlos, he was looking at me with such a horny look while talking to the boys I could have jumped him there and then...2 can play that game I decided, a little smutty mind linking was in order, I could feel his eyes on me so I sashayed my hips as I walked putting in a little extra sass in my strid.."If only you knew just how naughty my thoughts were big boy"...next thing I felt was my ass being palmed and I heard the sniggering of the others.."Carry on my love and I will royally fuck you here and now" he said while grabbing my hand and rubbing it on his massivehard on...oh my! 

We strolled around the Kingdom and Carlos introduced me at any opportunity, this made my heart swell with how proud of me he was. Today was market day and the little town square was full of market traders and shoppers, as I turned around I was abruptly knocked by the shoulder, I looked up to see a heavily made-up girl wearing the shortest dress I'd ever seen, she looked down at me with disgust..what the actual fuck was her problem!..As Carlos came striding over to us both she rubbed her hand up and down his chest causing a loud growl to escape my mouth,"Do that again bitch and you wont have a hand on the end of that arm, get your hands off my mate!!" I bellowed... while fluttering her fake lashes at my mate she started to speak in an annoying voice that she obviously thought was sexy..."Carlos hunni, Im presuming you haven't told about us, maybe we should take this somewhere else eh a little less crowded so she doesn't embararress us?.."....Carlos was seething, I could see and feel the anger radiating off him and I was also pissed, I was all but ready to launch at this fake bitch when I felt Seb grab my arm and Javi stood at the other side of me.."Let Carlos deal with her, she has already been warned and will now face punishment"..as I tried to register what Seb said we were suddenly joined by 2 large warriors who stood next to Carlos and the bitch..

"It is King Carlos or Your Majesty to you Sally, do not disrespect me or your future Queen ever again, I told you before to stay away but you do not learn or listen it appears, you obviously didn't take my requests on board!!" fuck he was seriously angry and strangely enough I was seriously turned on by this side of him, trying to push my erotic thoughts away and concentrate on the bitch who I now realized was the "regular hook up" I felt slightly sick to think that this pathetic she-wolf had done things with my mate, as the warriors grabbed her she started trying to kick while all the time shouting for Carlos and proclaiming her love for him and yelling the delightful details of all the things they had done together and where they'd fucked...not what I wanted to hear, I apologized to everyone and turned to leave to go back to the castle, I needed some time to myself, even though Carlos had been honest and told me about Sally, to actually see her and hear the vile things spew from her mouth made it all a little too real and raw for me.As I was walking away my hand was grabbed and tingles shot up my arm..

"I am so sorry my love, I was not expecting that either and I truly apologize"..I could hear the sorrow in his voice and could feel all his emotions pouring through our bond but, he could also feel mine.."I just want a little time on my own please, I know there is nothing more between you and "her" but, I'm embarrassed Carlos, everyone heard everything she said about you and her, I feel a fool, you were my first everything, I guess I'm just sad that I was not yours"....Marcy soon caught up to me and gave me a nudge.."Want some company bitch?"..at this I snorted while wiping a tear away.."You always know what to say Marcy to cheer me up"..I looked over to my friend and she lifted her fingers to wipe my stray tears.."Come, lets go sit in the gardens Lila"..we walked in silence to the gardens then I proceeded to tell Marcy everything, I was now wondering if I had rushed things? I know I loved Carlos and that he loved me but why couldn't he have waited, was it so fucking difficult!..

"Listen, queen or not you are my best friend first and we always tell each other the truth yes?"..I nodded my head and allowed her to continue.."Well I agree with you on the fact he should have waited and kept it his pants, I'd be angry too Lila if it was Seb but, he was honest with you from the very start, you asked, and he told you, I know it doesn't make it easier and I'm not saying letting him off the hook with this, all I'm saying is don't make any rash decisions in anger, it is obvious he absolutely adores you"..."I know Marcy I'm just so fuckin embarrassed, she shouted that out for all to fuckin hear, I want to rip her extensions out!!"..at this we both started laughing, I hugged my best friend.."Thanks Marcy, I don't know what id do without you"..."I know, I know, Im the best! Just you remember that when you have that crown on ya head bitch that I'm ya bestie"...god I love this girl!

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