·Chapter 18· Fateds and family (part 2)

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I was so lucky to have found Alice and for her to acknowledge our bond and accept it, all the shit my poor brother was going through made me feel pain in my chest for him and his situation, I could kill Greg for doing this to him but my brother was strong, this is why I had asked my dad if he thought Jose would like to be my future Beta, he was strong, clever, but most importantly we confided in each other and had trust like no others..After our family meeting a month ago Jose had gone to training each day as normal and totally shunned Greg, I couldn't be more proud of my brother, it seems Greg was pissed at this and had tried to confront Jose a couple of time to which Jose had only replied..."I have nothing to say to you, you made your feelings very clear" then walking off, my brother was being bad ass and I could not be prouder of him even though I knew it must be killing him inside. As I finish my Alpha class with one of the Elders I think about Alice...she was so beautiful with her long red hair and freckles, I was approaching 13 and I had started thinking differently about her and looking more at her body, as I was walking back to the house I had to adjust my shorts at the front..just thinking like this about her made my body react instantly, the next few years I know were going to be a challenge! We would see each other everyday with our friends and family around but we would also try to meet for a walk every other day on our own, our parents trusted us to keep things "PG" as my dad like to say...just thinking about that chat makes me roll my eyes...Walking in my room I stripped off to shower before I was due to meet Alice in the gardens, I showered and quickly changed before walking through the gardens, we always met near the maze entrance as it was a little more private...there she was sat on the grass twirling a flower between her fingers...her head turned as she heard me approach and a smile comes to her pretty face..."Hi there..how was your classes?"..she is always so thoughtful and never fails to ask me..."Honestly...boring as usual but I know it is something I have to do and learn"...I sit on the blanket next to her and push a strand of hair behind her ear making her blush, we have got much more at ease with each other recently and I have noticed our fingers touch whenever possible...the tingles are still faint but there and noticeable as they dance across my skin..I cannot wait to feel them fully once we turn 18, as I'm sat in thought I feel Alice slide her hand in mine looking at me shyly...it feels so right even though we are both young..we haven't kissed yet but I know we both want to, I think we are both scared of what will happen if we did or that one of our parents would suddenly appear out of nowhere, we are both still only 13 and have 5 years left to wait before we can mate and mark each other..it feels like forever and I know its going to be very difficult to keep to our parents rules!!!

Alice looks at me and once again I'm in awe at the beautiful girl in front of me, she is nibbling her bottom lip which I know she only does when she is nervous but it plays havoc with my stomach making it do back flips!..."What is wrong Alice, I can see you are nervous"...I twiddle her fingers with mine...she looks down at our fingers..."I love the time we spend together Fernando but recently I'm finding it a little difficult"...I can see a blush creep up her neck and across her cheeks and I know straightaway where this is going..."What do you mean?" I ask feeling nervous myself now!..."I really like you Fernando..a lot but, we are only 13...yes we hold hands like this on our own and I love that but, I have been having other thoughts.."...she is now as red as a tomato and I soon realize she is experiencing exactly what I am!!...without thinking I lean forward and place a feather light kiss on her lips, I pull back slowly to look at her and to see if I have over stepped any boundaries with her, she is has her eyes closed and her cheeks are flushed, I slowly lean in again and place my lips on hers, I have never kissed anyone before so I don't know what I'm doing but, this feels right, Alice slides one of her hands to my face and cups my cheek, I pull away and I'm met with her bright blue eyes shinning at me and the biggest smile ever...I clear my throat as it feels like I have got something stuck in the back of it..

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