Chapter Four: Call Me

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Piper POV:

Look in the mirror, tell me what do you see?

I see a self-assured girl with beautiful, long flowing hair that curls around her delicate features. She runs her hands through the waves and it's soft against her skin. She has pretty, multi-coloured eyes that she got from her mother, gods rest her soul. Her mother was beautiful too. People always tell her she could be a model, and she smiles at their kind words and considers it.

I see a girl who's doing well in school, even though she finds the classes tedious at times. She's got plans to be an actress one day, just like her father. She has amazing friends and an amazing boyfriend. He's kind to her – he's all she thinks about. She knows he's the one.

I see a girl who knows exactly who she is. She knows herself, knows what she wants, who she is now and who she will become one day. She's confident and proud – as she should be.

I am Piper McLean.


"Hey, Piper, are you trying out for the cheerleading squad again this year?" Gwen asked eagerly as she walked by.

"Of course," I forced on a smile. "Hoping to be team captain this year!"

"Awesome, I can't wait! Annabeth, you should try out too! We'd love to have you on the team."

Annabeth chuckled lightly. "Oh, no, I can't, sorry. Too busy."

Gwen looked genuinely disappointed by this, but she quickly turned around and headed towards the lunch queue. I sighed heavily once she was gone.

"I don't understand you, Pipes," Annabeth whispered, leaning forwards slightly.

"Why?" I asked, although I already knew what she was going to say.

"Why are you trying out for cheerleading when you clearly don't enjoy it at all?" Annabeth sighed, trying to get me to look at her. I picked aimlessly at the food on my plate.

"It'll look good on my résumé, especially if I become team captain," I answered feebly.

"That's not a good enough excuse, Pipes – not when it makes you so miserable all the time. You need to do what you enjoy. Don't sell yourself short."

"I'm not," I lied. "Besides, Jason really wants me to be a cheerleader again this year. I'm doing this for him. Isn't this what every girl wants – to be the captain of the cheer team whilst her boyfriend captains the football team? We'll be, like, the hottest couple in school."

"Yikes," Reyna laughed, taking a seat next to us. "That is certainly not what every girl wants. Exclude me from your narrative, please."

"Yeah, and I wouldn't be too sure about becoming the hottest couple in school anymore, Pipes," Jason added, sitting beside me and wrapping his arm around my waist. "Luke's been made the team Captain... again."

I frowned in annoyance, smoothing my hand against Jason's cheek. "Again? That's not fair. You deserve to be Captain."

"Yeah, but, in all fairness, Luke is pretty good," Charles replied, joining us with Silena. "I want Jason to be Captain as much as the next guy does, but we can't ignore the fact that Luke is probably one of the best players this school has ever seen. He makes for a good Captain and Coach Hedge knows that."

"Perhaps Annabeth should become a cheerleader after all," Silena winked, leaning forwards to smile at Annabeth. "I hear Luke has a thing for cheerleaders."

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