Chapter Twenty-Four (Continued): Batman and Alfred

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Piper POV:

Part Two:

"Piper, what's the matter, you've hardly touched your noodles," my Dad frowned, leaning across the table. "Don't tell me you're on a diet like most of the models are nowadays. It's only practical to do when you reach your twenties."

"I'm surprised you even know my age," I muttered. He didn't hear me. "And no, I'm not on a diet, I'm just not hungry."

"Well, my not? You usually love Momofuku Ko."

I shrugged. "Not in the mood, I guess."

"Is this about your auditions next week? Listen, Honey, it's okay to be nervous," he chuckled. "God, I get nervous before every audition, too. Me, can you believe it? I'm just saying it's natural, alright, even if you have the talent – and even if you know you'll get the part."

"Know I'll get the part?" I scowled.

"Well, come on, Pipes, isn't it obvious? You're a McLean – acting royalty! You've got your Mother and Father to thank for that – and, not to mention, you've been recommended for the role by Beryl Grace. That'll certainly win you some extra points."

"Yes, but-"

"-Why, I believe you could truly fail that audition next week and still get the part. They'll hire you at the door."

I let go of my chopsticks, letting them clatter against my bowl. My Dad frowned.

"That sounds awful. I don't want that."

His expression softened. "Oh, Pipes, you can audition if you want to. They'll make it seem serious – you know, to give the others a chance."

"I don't want that, Dad."

"Yes, but it is deserved – you're talented."

"No, you don't understand-"

"-You've certainly possessed your mother's gifts. And her beauty, of course-"

"-That's not what I-"

"-You could be the greatest actress this world has ever seen-"

"-But I don't want to be-"

"-It'll make me so proud to see you just like your mother-"

"-You're not listening to me!" I yelled, startling a few people around us. My Dad blushed and gave them all an apologetic smile. I noticed a couple sat near us taking photos of him discreetly – whispers of his name in the air. They were in the presence of a God, it would seem.


"-I don't want to be an actress, Dad, I have never wanted to be an actress. I-"

"-What do you mean?"

"Would you let me talk? Please?" I sat back, trying not to feel too angry. "I'm trying to tell you what I mean. I'm trying to tell you that I don't want to be an actress. That I've never-"

"-I'm like so sorry to interrupt but I am like such a huge fan of you Tristan and like I've been building up the courage to talk to you all evening because I just love you so so much I think you were amazing in 'Somber Days' and in 'We The Fallen' like your portrayal of Henry just blew me away and they're like my favourite films and you're also on my list of celebrities my boyfriend would let me sleep with if I had a boyfriend haha and I just think you're amazing oh my god can I please take a photo with you like you're ten times more attractive in real life than I thought was possible, oh my gods hey is this your daughter?" A woman appeared out of nowhere, talking as fast as possible and hardly breathing. She stared at my Dad – and then at me – with such intensity that it unsettled me.

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