Chapter Twenty: I Want To Hold Your Hand

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Nico POV:

Telling Annabeth about Jason had been one thing, seeing Annabeth react to this news had been a whole other thing... but then seeing Piper react to the news had been heart breaking. I think part of me just hadn't expected her to be so distraught about it. I didn't know Piper all that well – if anything, I would argue that I knew Jason a whole lot more (although I definitely wouldn't have ever expected him to be a cheater) – but she had always seemed so put together to me. Not emotionally stoic, but she always looked like she had her shit together, you know? It was impossible for me to tell what was going on with her behind closed doors, but now that the news was out that Jason had kissed not one, but two other girls...

Well, let's just say it wasn't pretty.

And I mean that about both of them. Jason was a mess, showing up to school with his clothes on backwards and his glasses upside down. I had never seen him look so un-Jason-like in all his life. According to Reyna he was late to all his classes and, with the football season over, he would spend most of his lunchtimes alone in a classroom, not letting Leo or Frank join him.

Then there was Piper, who surprised the whole school by showing up to class one morning with a new haircut. Gone was the luscious long curls, in was the choppy short strands that – in my opinion – framed her face perfectly. She kept her head down and never went anywhere without Hazel and Annabeth by her side. She wore sweatshirts and long trousers every day, as opposed to her usual attire of short skirts and cute tops, and she had stopped wearing makeup.

I thought she had never looked better, but she also seemed like she had never felt worse.

I couldn't believe the breakup had hit them both so hard. Had they really been that in love? Or was it just that neither of them were used to being alone? I have plenty of experience in that department, I thought bitterly to myself, trying not to blush when I saw Hazel catch my eyes because I knew she could read me so well.

"What?" I asked nervously, realising that she was biting her lip nervously. She wanted to ask me something.

"A few of the girls are getting together tonight to take Piper out. Distract her, you know? She needs it... And you're coming too," Hazel practically ordered.

"No I am not, it's a girl's night out!" I objected.

"Frank will be there."

"Exactly, girl's night out..." I mocked. My sister decided to ignore me.

"Oh, come on Nico! It'll be fun. We'll have a dance, drink some mocktails, hit on cute guys-"

"-No thanks, I'm taken."

"Has he asked you out yet?" She asked excitedly. I pulled uncomfortably at my collar.

"Well, no, but-"

"-Has he given you his number?"

"Not yet, but-"

"-Has he told you his name at least?"

"Not exactly, but-"

"-Nico!" Hazel crossed her arms dramatically. "Come on, bro, this isn't like you. Come out with us and enjoy yourself! You'll find someone cute and totally move on from this... janitor."

I scowled at her. "Nu-uh. Don't bro me. There's no one cuter than my janitor. Forget it, Hazel, I'm not coming. I don't want to move on."

She grabbed my hand before I could refuse. "Fine, forget I said that. Don't come out with us to move on, come out with us to... forget. Just stop, for one night only, thinking about this boy and worrying where or who he is. You don't have to kiss, flirt, talk to or even look at another guy, you just need to hang out with your friends, dance to your heart's desire and forget about how crazy this guy is driving you!"

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