Chapter 3

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I gasped. "Holy fish and chips!" I whisper shout. Was this..Chloe's?  Has she been sleeping around with some guy and accidentally got pregnant? "Is- Is it yours?" I ask concernedly. Chloe narrowed her eyes at me, which made me wonder if I had made her upset by asking the question, that was pretty obvious.

"No, it's not mine, I came in and found it!" She pointed to the bin beside the toilet.

Not an obvious question, anymore.

"Well, who do you think took it? And why did you come down here if you've got your own bathroom?" I ask confusedly. Chloe sighs before explaining.

"I came downstairs for a little snack since I didn't eat much dinner, and after I had some crackers and water I needed to use the restroom. So I came to the one down here and used the toilet. So, I'm on my period and when I finished doing what I had to do, I found the test in the bin." Mother doesn't like when we girls say 'period' she prefers 'lady issue' Its more polite she says. Just by explaining and using the word, 'period' I think it's a little strange she doesn't like it. It's part of life isn't it? I warn Chloe about Mother's rule, but she doesn't care.

"Well, it isn't Mother's. She's got"

"Menopa-" I cut Chloe off knowing it was disrespectful talking about our mother that way.

"Yes. That."

"It can't be Mabel either since she's always here." Chloe continues. After a minute of thinking, we blurt out who we thought it was.

"Andre." We say in union.

Chloe opens the bathroom door and slowly closes it when we leave. We walk up the stairs quickly but quietly and open Andre's door to find him smoking on his balcony. "What's it with you?" Chloe gave out a tone after closing the door quietly.

"Louisa is pregnant." He drops his cigarette on the floor crushing it and lighting it out before putting it in one of his dead plants. I hiss for the pain of the plants. Plants have feelings too, you know. At least I like to believe that.

Chloe's eyes widen before she drops herself onto Andre's bed, bring me back to the moment.

Louisa?! My Lord help us all.

Chloe got up and slapped Andre across the face. "Louisa?! Are you bloody joking right now?!" She whispered shouted.

"It wasn't my fault!"

"You didn't use protection you idiot, of course it was your fault!" Chloe was very upset. I was too although, not as bad to slap my older brother in the face.

"I thought you and Lou broke up? Plus she lives in England." I questioned. Andre shook his head.

"We did break up, but she's moving here. She wants to have the baby with me whether I like it or not. She says I got her pregnant, so I better stick around and help her with it."

"Good on her." Chloe commented. She glared at my brother. I turned to Chloe and gave her a look to calm down. I knew we could solve this. Until we all thought of Mother.

Oh poor dear, Andre.

"Bu- But what happened? When did it happen?" I asked as politely as ever. I knew it was a rude question, but at least I didn't actually say the word.

"The night after Mother and Dad announced we were moving. She came by to talk about it and we just had a moment."

Chloe got up and I started to worry for him when she walked over to him really closely. Instead she gave him a kiss and a hug. And another slap. He rubbed his face and turned back to me while Chloe returned to her seat on his bed.

𝐻𝒾𝓈 𝒫𝓇𝑒𝒸𝒾𝑜𝓊𝓈 𝒫𝓇𝒾𝓃𝒸𝑒𝓈𝓈Where stories live. Discover now