Chapter 29

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I always said drinking and becoming drunk was a one time thing for me.

I lied.

I realised that this type of lifestyle is so amazing and I would love to live like this forever. In the movies, or in the books, there is usually a less fortune partner, and a wealthy partner. In Luke and I's story, we're both strong and powerful with ourselves we have both.

Yes, we're wealthy, but there are some things we can't afford to do. Like going on a trip without asking our parents. My parents would go crazy, especially since Luke would be paying for it, in the case of New York.

"Shit, my head is killing me." Luke grasped his hair in his hand. It looked painful since he gritted his teeth looking so painfully hurt.

I was drunk, but I still had energy. As did Luke.

"Ugh. My head, fuck."

Scratch that, Luke looks horrible.


As Sweet Marie is trying to take over Sour Marie, who is currently in action, I think to myself as both; 'Why, oh why are you doing this Maria?' Well, I don't know.

I love Luke, and this is definitely our last time together. I had to make it memorable.

"You know, you're going to kill me in the morning for letting you do this?" Luke sighs, grabbing the pot.

Yep. Pot is what we're doing. Smoking pot. Underage too.

"Am I really?" I muttered to myself, thinking about tomorrow.

"$1062." My eyes shot up. Luke laughed, and grabbed the pot.

$1062 for a bag of shit?!

After taking a puff, I changed my mind. It's definitely not shit. It's too good to be shit. It's so good. I kept puffing and taking more before Luke took it out of my hold.

"Not too much, mkay Princess?"

I rolled my eyes, and kept taking more.

The hot hitting my mouth, as I took a drink with it. The taste of vodka and pot hitting my lips made me feel so good. it' like matching sex with Luke and drugs together. There is no favourite. They're both great equally.

"Baby, no more. you'll get sick."

I was quick to drop the pot and drink to the floor, and jump up furiously looking at Luke.

"Why are you so boring when you're with me?! You act as if you don't do this shit, and now here you are being a boring old Dad!" I yelled. Luke stared at me blankly.


"What the fuck are you talking about?" I glared at him. I watched as he didn't say a word to me, he just sat there watching me. I felt tears stream down my face.

"Darling stop it. Join me already!" I cried loudly.

"Sadness." He laid his head back carelessly.

"You fucking cunt! Come and help me." I cried with anger. Luke sat up and stared at me.

I rolled my eyes and walked away from him before hearing his last words.



Sitting at the edge of the roof for a couple minutes, before Luke sat next to me and kissed my head. I stayed still, before hitting his chest and then crying into it.

"What's wrong with me?" I looked up at his beautiful brown eyes.

"You're high, Princess. I promise if we go home it'll go away once you hit the pillow."

My eyes shoot up wide, and I shake my head. "I can't go home."

Luke looked at me with a perplexed look. He raised his eyebrows in confusion.

"Why not?"

"I- I got into trouble." I mutter. Luke moved closer to me before asking why.

"Did you do something bad before we left for New York?"

"No, it's something I did in New York." I waited for him to realise, but he didn't.

"What did you do that was so bad in New York? Related to that you live in L.A?" I stayed quiet, before Luke raised my chin and started at me before I sighed and started to explain.

"Well, I u- Aft- Wh-" I couldn't get the words out.

"Just say it to me. Plain and simple." He gave a kind smile.

The infamous one I love.

"I sent a text to my family group chat, thinking it was the girls after having sex with you. My parents found it so disrespectful and rude. They're going to kill me." I cried. Luke kissed my head.

"Come home with me tonight. You're high and drunk anyway. Tomorrow I'll take you home and you can explain there was a flight problem this morning." He smiled, holding my hand in his.


We arrived at Luke's house, and no one was home.

Thank God.

If Anastasia was home, I'd imagine the shit she'd say to Diego who would go telling my parents for 'safety' Diego and Daddy are so close now, that they have friendly barbecues. I mean, before Luke and I left to New York.

"I'm dying. My head bloody hurts!" I complained. Luke laughed before handing me some towels from the cupboard.

"Have a shower and I'll get some Vivitrol for you." He kissed my head.

I hopped in the shower, washing my hair and letting curls arise. I put shampoo and conditioner washing it thoroughly. I massaged my head before hoping out and brushing my teeth in my towel. Luke left a tooth brush in his bathroom with my name on it for whenever I sleepover.

How cute is he?

I went back downstairs in my towel, catching Luke's attention. He smirked before grabbing my wrists and pinning me against the wall. His soft breath hitting against my neck. I giggled before slightly pushing him off.

"Lukey, all my clothes are dirty. I need some." He chuckled before he realised that our things were still in the car from when we got off the jet.

"Sleep like that." He kissed my neck.

"Lucas." I said sternly.

"Fine, fine. I'm going, Jesus."

He walked over to the elevator before singing "Sweet Marie is back."


I took the Vivitrol from the bedside table and slowly took breathes as my head was absolutely killing me. I walked over to the bed and looked at my phone for a little. Luke came up the stairs in his boxers, and got into bed with his phone.

I put my phone down, after reading the news. I put it on charge before turning the lamp off and looking at Luke.

I admired his features as he kept looking at the screen. He noticed me and put his phone on charge totally facing me.

"Can I tell you something?" He asks, rubbing his hand on my arm. I nodded slightly.

"Of course."

"I love you. "

"Awh, Lukey. I love you too." The pain in my heart rises.

"I love you so much that I see you as my wife."

Oh no, this one's going to hurt.


Thank you for reading Chapter 29!! Drama ahead!!! What do we think is going to happen next? Sorry this chapter was short, I need some more ideas, I'm running out!

Click the little star we love.

𝐻𝒾𝓈 𝒫𝓇𝑒𝒸𝒾𝑜𝓊𝓈 𝒫𝓇𝒾𝓃𝒸𝑒𝓈𝓈Where stories live. Discover now