Chapter 9

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While Chloe fidgeted with her fingers as Matt spoke with Mother, I excused myself to the bathroom. I took my phone nd purse with me, knowing it was one of these days.

Oh, how the pain hurts.

Mother says we're strong, so whether we have a sore stomach, we must suck it up and go to school. I find that it's true, a good way to think like that but you can't control how bad or painful the soreness gets. It can become intense that's the scary part.

I wash my hands after applying my pad and straightening myself out before I head back to the table. Mabel sees me coming out of the bathroom and gestures for me to get in the car. I notice I'll be late, so I head in the car and leave a message on the family group chat.

Me: My apologises, I'd be late if I waited any longer. See you soon.
Sent at 8:22am

Mother: Thank you for letting us know.
Received 8:23am

I arrive at school, excited to tell Luke about my family's dinner that'd wanted to invite Diego and Luke to. I walked up to Luke's locker finding him fidgeting with his lock. I walk right up to him and place a small kiss on his luscious pink lips.

"Hey baby." He smiled looking down at me. He nodded towards his locker pouting. I laughed before putting his code in, helping him open his locker.

Believe it or not, I used to be horrible at locker codes, but then Nick helped me master it. It was difficult, but I got through it. I noticed how Luke takes a few tries to open his locker, so I'm always offering to help. Now, it's practically my job.

"I have news!" I said moving aside, so Luke could get his books out.  Luke raised an eyebrow, gesturing for me to continue.

"My family has invited you and Diego for dinner. As we're going to New York, my Mother wanted to welcome you before we leave." Luke's eyebrows shot down before his eyes bulged out. They looked like golf balls.

I gave Luke a concerned look before touching his shoulder, on my tiny toes, of course. "It'll be okay. My parents know much about you, and they think you should very pleasant." Luke laughed kissing my forehead.

That morning, I had Social Studies. Mr Morrison, known as the funniest teacher alive, in my opinion of course, was teaching us on the topic Democracy. It's a complicated subject, many people find it so boring but I find it interesting. I think everyone should vote, while others prefers it the way it was in the olden days.

I continued to follow the notes I was getting during class, when I felt an eye on me. I turned swiftly to see. The popular girl, Madeline. She looked really nice, so I gave her a smile. I didn't see her return one back. Lexi threw a post-it note at me, before giving me a look. I picked up the post-it note opening it up.

She's evil. Don't start with her.

I looked over at Lexi, before closing the post it note and putting it in my bag so no one would notice. Madeline's eyes stayed on me the entire time, from opening the post-it note, and from closing it. I felt so nervous with her eyes on me.

Mr Morrison gathered up in groups for our Social Studies assignment. It was nerve wracking since we couldn't choose. "Now children, I've created your groups. They'll be four in each group." Everyone sighed knowing this was going to take long.

After a few minutes of waiting, my name was finally called out. "Georgia, Marie, Jonathan and Madeline."

Holy cheesecake.

"Pff, with this girl? Shit, okay." Madeline rolled her eyes referring to me. I stayed quiet, worrying I wasn't going to fit in my group. I saw Lexi staring at me before giving me a small smile.

𝐻𝒾𝓈 𝒫𝓇𝑒𝒸𝒾𝑜𝓊𝓈 𝒫𝓇𝒾𝓃𝒸𝑒𝓈𝓈Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora