Chapter 11

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I opened my locker and grabbed my Math book. It was last period, and I was terribly tired. I couldn't possibly deal with Maths for my last period, but I was thankful it was the last one. Mr Loris came in with his briefcase, as always. He had his perfectly buttoned up blue shirt, with his black pants. His hair was slimmed back, with a few strands in front. He always left them in front so it didn't look like he was too plain with his hairstyle. From what he told us at the beginning of my startings at this school.

"Alright kids. Turn to page 163 in your textbooks. Read what you see and take notes. You have an exam coming up soon, and if you don't complete it, you won't go to College." He let out a laugh before continuing. "But most of you aren't planning on going. Right! Moving on, you have five minutes. Your time starts now."

I flipped through each page quickly reaching to page 163 in my Maths book. I looked up at the title that it read.

Calculus. Lovely.

I wasn't the best at Calculus, considering it had a lot of lines and all those weird symbolic symbols, but I do try and listen to it. Though, it's the worst topic in Maths. I can't handle it.

After a couple minutes of writing down notes, I had finished. Mr Lois had given us a few extra minutes since he hadn't finished his salad. Luke walked in all sweaty and wet. Everyone's attention turned to him. His hair dangling in front of his face. His forehead full of sweat, and his shirt was see-through now that there was sweet coming out from it.

"Mr Cruz. Late again. Let me guess, you had 'practice'?" Mr Lois used quotation marks. Everyone remained silent.

"Nah, I was just smoking weed." The class laughed while I covered my mouth.

He was joking Marie. Relax.

Luke took a seat next to me, after Mr Lois ignored his joke and started on our lesson. I had tried to keep my eyes off Luke, knowing he was distracting me with those gorgeous features of his. Luke's legs had been separated, while he lied back in his chair. Mine were crossed over. I had been moving my legs up and down while listening and take my own personal notes down, until someone decided to move their leg closer to mine. I grew a blush upon my face before nudging my elbow in Luke's side.

"Awh, Princess. Am I distracting you?" He whispered real close to my ear. I rolled my eyes and turned to him, to give him a small tease back.

"No, baby. Not at all. Not at all."

Luke's eyes grew at the word 'baby'. I smirked knowing I had gotten to him.

Mr Lois had wrapped up the class before assigning us homework. We gathered together our things before leaving the classroom. Mr Lois had stopped me when I was very close to leaving the classroom. He lightly reached up to my hand and placed a piece of paper. I gave him a look. Before I was about to ask what was given to me, he silenced me.

"Open it when you get home." He gave a small wink. I nodded slightly before leaving.

I left the classroom and headed towards my locker. I put my Math book in my locker and grabbed my bag closing my locker. I felt a tall figure stand behind me. I turned around and saw Luke with his bag on his back with a smile on his face. He leaned down to softly kiss my lips, in which I blushed at.

"Hi." He hummed.

"Hiya Lukey." I smiled. He took my hand and lead us out of school, leaving us near the gate.

"Do you wanna hang out later? Dad says he misses you."

"Uhm, that's really sweet, but I can't today. I've got to deal with my sister." I groaned. Luke tilted his head in confusion.

𝐻𝒾𝓈 𝒫𝓇𝑒𝒸𝒾𝑜𝓊𝓈 𝒫𝓇𝒾𝓃𝒸𝑒𝓈𝓈Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin