Chapter 8

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"Will you be my girlfriend?" My eyes bulge out hearing his soft voice ask me the question. I her him laugh a little before I excitedly jump up and down not caring he can see me. "Yes please!" I smile giving him a long hug. I've never had a boyfriend before. So I don't know the rules.


"Yeah, Princess?"

"What's the rules" I ask facing him. He touches his lip before giving a confused look. I could tell his lip hurt, it looked painful.

"For dating." Luke laughs before he brings brings me into his lap and lays his chin on my shoulder. "There are no rules unless you set them. Like, when you play a game. If you made the game, you pick the rules." He had a point. So, we'd pick the rules? I have no idea how to do this.

"So what rules do we need? I know cheating is one and going out by ourselv-" Luke cut me off. He turned me around and looked me in my eyes before curving his lip into a smile. "We don't need any rules. I trust you, and you trust me. That's all. You've never had a boyfriend, have you?"

"No, I haven't. So, you're my first." I say darting my eyes around the garden. Luke smiles and kisses my cheek.

I head home with the news of Luke being my boyfriend. Andre and Chloe had been sitting in the living room talking. I came with a huge smile on my face, ready to tell my siblings the news. Chloe stands up and leaves the room. Andre follows her.

Did I do something?

I put my purse down, and follow Andre. Andre and Chloe look up from their conversation to see me with a wide smile. I get nervous seeing Chloe but ignore the fact that I'm worried about that. I sit in between them both, and start.
"I have a boyfriend." Andre chokes on his water and turns to me. Chloe jumps up and down excitedly knowing I'm about to say Luke. Andre, a little clueless, turns to me slowly with a confused face. I sigh before explaining to him what happened.

"Holy shit! That's amazing Marie!" Andre hugs me tightly. I turn to Chloe, a little nervous before she notices my look. "What's up?"

I don't respond.

"Oh, I see what's going on. You think I'm still angry at you for the whole 'texting a guy I don't know' situation. Am I right?" I nod looking away. Chloe laughs before she gives me a hug.

"I was mad in the moment Marie. I'm not mad anymore. Plus, you and I both have boyfriends now." Chloe wiggles her eyebrows at her word 'boyfriend.' Andre turns to Chloe and raises an eyebrow. She sighs before explaining.

"I met him. He was really nice, and I have a date with him this weekend."

"Well, I'm going with you. Don't pull that shit on me Chloe. I'll wait in the car for you."

"Fine, I'll take safety. Marie want to join me on my date? In the car, don't embarrass me." Andre glares at Chloe.
I mean, this was my sister's safety, obviously I was going to go. So, I said yes.

"Sure, when is it?"

After having dinner and having a shower, I started writing some love poems. Not that I was in love, but I had just started a relationship. There's a good reason too.

I only ever thought that falling in love with someone would take time, before I met that one person who makes me feel happy.

I wasn't perfect at poems, like all those other poem writers, but I did enjoy writing them. Chloe came into my room before sitting on my bed. "What are you doing?"

"Writing. Do you need anything?" I reply, still writing. Chloe nods. "Matt changed the date. We're going now. May you please come? I don't want Andre causing shit." I nod and smile.

𝐻𝒾𝓈 𝒫𝓇𝑒𝒸𝒾𝑜𝓊𝓈 𝒫𝓇𝒾𝓃𝒸𝑒𝓈𝓈Where stories live. Discover now