Faith (part 1)

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Annie's POV

We pull up to the old abandoned house. We all jump out of the Impala and go to the trunk. Dean pops it open and we start getting our supplies together. I pull out three tasers.

"What've you got those things amped up to?" Sam asks.

"100,000 volts."

"Damn," Dean breathes.

"Yeah, I want this rawhead extra fuckin' crispy. Remember you only got one shot with these things, so make it count." I toss one to Sam and one to Dean and shove one into my own pocket. I shut the trunk and then we walk into the house. We walk in, flashlights over tasers and run down into the basement. We look around and hear a lound bang come from one of the closets. Sam and Dean point their tasers at the door while I walk slowly up to it. I swing open the door and sitting in the closet are a little girl and a lttle boy. They're covering their ears and they scream when I open the door.

We all let out a sigh of relief.

"Is it still here?" I ask. The little boy nods.

"Okay, take your sister's hand and get out of here." They stand frozen.

"I got it. Get them out of this hell hole." Dean and Sam nod, and they each scoop up a kid and run back up the stairs. I follow behind them. From nowhere, somthing grabs Dean and Sam and jerks them downward.

"Sam! Dean!" They jump back up and I run behind the staircase where the thing grabbed them. I shoot off the taser, but it doesn't hit anything. What was there is gone now.

"Get them the hell outta here! Right now!" Sam and Dean pick the kids back up and run up the stairs.

"Take this!" Dean tosses his tazer to me and I catch it as I run pass the stairs. I walk around the basement and shine the light all around me.

"Come on...."

It jumps from behind a box and hits me across the face, sending flashes of pain across my brain. I fall back against the wall and into a freezing puddle. The thing starts walk closer to me. I stumble after the tazer. I grab it and pull the trigger, praying to God I don't miss.

It hits the monster and he lights up with electricity.

And suddenly I do too.

Searing pain is all I feel. I scream out, but it comes out in choked garbled bits. I shudder as the white-hot pain coarses throughout my body. The world starts spinning and going from white to black and back to a spinning world and back to white and it starts all over again. I scream one last time as the thing drops to the ground dead. I stop and the world grows dimmer and dimmer.

I hear heavy thuds come downstairs.

"ANNIE!" I hear Dean's voice like a faint whisper before everything turns black.

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