Home (Part 2)

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Annie's POV

"We just gotta chill out dude," says Dean. "You know if this was any other job, what would we do?"

"We would check into the history of the house. But we already know the history," Sam says.

"I don't," I pipe up. They turn and face me. "You guys can't seem to remember that I didn't grow up with you. I grew up with Uncle Bobby. Bobby never said much about Mom or Dad. All I know about Mom, is that she died when I was six months old. Bobby nor Dad never said how," I say.

"Oh......" says Dean.

"What happened to Mom?" I whisper.

"Well, I can only remember so much..... But i'll tell you the combined version," says Dean.

"It was November 2nd 1983. You and Sammy were exactly six months old. Dad says he had passed out on the couch. Next thing he knew, Mom was screaming. He ran up the stairs to Sam's nursery. When he got there, Mom wasn't visible. He says he remembers holding Sam's hand, when something dripped onto Sam's forehead. He look up to the ceiling, to see Mom on the ceiling, just like Jessica. He screamed her name just as she burst into flames. I had woken up at this point. I ran to Sam's room. Dad gave me Sam and told me to run. 'Take your brother and get outside. Now Dean go!'. I rember the flames engulfing the house and the heat burning my eyes. I remember..... standing on the lawn with Sam in my three year old arms. I remember Dad sweeping us up and running towards the opposite side of the road, just as the pressure made the fire explode. I remember sirens and firemen. I remember Dad sobbing while holding onto Sammy and me........... I remember hearing a cop say that 'Sir...... She's gone.'......." Dean finishes the story, on the verge of tears.

"And..... he...... he never had a theory about what did it?" I ask.

"Hell if he did he sure never told us....." says Dean.

"Ok.... So if we're gonna figure out whats going on now..... we have to figure out what happened back then," I say.

"Yeah. We'll talk to Dad's friends and neighbors. People who were there at the time," Dean says.

"............. Does this feel like just another case to you?" asks Sam.

Dean's POV

"I'll  be back in a sec," I say.

I walk towards the gas station. When I look back, the two of them are talking about something else. I walk behind the station and pull out my phone.

I dial a number and wait.

"This is John Winchester. If it's an emergency you can reach my son Dean Winchester at 866-907-3235*beep*"

"Dad? I know i've left you messages before. Hell, I'm not even sure you get em. But i'm with Sam....... And Annie. It's a long story, but we met her. And let me just say this Dad about her. I don't know why you and Mom gave her to Bobby. Hell, even she doesn't. But you listen to me when i tell you that she is just like you. She is a stubborn fighter. But Hell Dad, she looks like Mom. And if Mom was here, she would be proud of her. And Dad? We're in Lawrence. Somebody moved into the old house. Their not safe. We don't know if it's the thing that killed Mom or not but........I don't know what to do. Dad please call me back. I need your help," I say choking on every sentence. I hang up and then walk back to the car.


Annie's POV

"So, you and John Winchester used to own this garage together?" I say. We're at Guenther's Auto Repair.

"Yeah that's right. Long time ago...... In fact, it must have been twenty years ago," Guenther says. "So why are the cops interested all of a sudden?"

"Um, we're just re-opening some of our old unsolved cases, and the Winchester dissapearence is one of them," says Dean.

"You know its funny," Guenther begins.

"What is sir?" I say.

"You look exactly like his wife Mary, only you have dark hair. She had very light blond hair," he says.

"Oh...." I say.

"Speakin' a Mary. He sure did love her. He loved his two kids too. Sam and Dean. I wonder what happened to em," he says.

"Well that's kind of why were here in a way I guess...." says Sam.

"Excuse him. What do you remember about John?" I ask.

"Well... *laughs* He was a stubbarn bastard. And no matter what he hated to loose," he smiles reminiscing.

"But that was before the fire?" Sam says.

"Yes......" Guenther says, smile fading.

"He ever talk about that night?" asks Dean.

"No, not at first. I think he was in shock."

"But he did eventually right?" I ask.

"Yeah. But he wasn't think straight. He said something had cause the fire and killed Mary," he says, shaking his head sadly.

"He ever say what did it?" asks Dean.

"No. It was an accident. Something old in the wiring or somethin'...." he trails.

"Did he ever get back to his old self?" I ask.

"No. He just got worse. He started reading these old books. And he went to a palm reader," he shakes his head.

"Palm reader? Um, do you have the name?" I ask.

"No," he scoffs.


"Have you found anything?" asks Dean.

"Like I said five seconds ago. NO!" I say from the phonebox. 

"Wait! I got something! Ah alright. There are a few physics and palm readers in town. There's a El Divino.......... UM, Missouri Moseley...." I say.

"Wait. Wait. Missouri Moseley?" asks Dean.

"Yeah?" I say.

"That's a psychic?" asks Dean.

"In Dad's journal! Here look at this,"Dean says while pointing to a piece of paper. "Read the first sentance on that page."

"I went to Missouri and learned the truth," Sam quotes. 

"I always thought he meant the state," Dean says shrugging.

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