Shadow (part 1)

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Sam's POV

I hear a muffled gasp from under the sheets as I try to sleep. I slowly draw the covers down and look to see Annie setting up on her bed, gasping. As my eyes adjust to the pale moonlight seeping in through the window, I notice the tears streaming down her face.

"Annie?" I whisper as I sit up, so as not to wake Dean who was asleep on the couch. She jumps slightly before looking over at me.


"What's wrong?"

"N-Nothing. Go to sleep." She furisouly wipes at the tears on her cheeks and in her eyes. I carefully get off the bed and walk over to her's/

"Come on. Let's go to the vending machine and get a soda. There's no way either of us are going to sleep anyways."

She nods and gets up. She slips on her jacket and we walk outside and to the vending machine. She stuffs in a few crumpled bills and then hits on the Coca-Cola button. I hit the same button and the two cans clatter to the bottom. I reach in and pull the two cans out, handing one to Annie and keeping one for myself.

We walk back over to a wooden table and take seats across from each other.

"Nightmare?" She nods sullenly and takes a swig from her can.

"You know, I've been having nightmares too. And visions, so I think-"

"That's just it."

"Excuse me?"

"Your visions, your dreams.........."

"What about them?"

She looks up at me and her eyes are misty with tears again. But she also has a look of confusion and fear traced in her mouth and eyes.

"Sam, I'm having them too." At this same moment, I had taken a swig of my own soda. What she said suprised me, and I sprayed my soda over the table.

"Since when?!" She looks up and her eyes are red and stained with tears as she said, "I dreamt about your old house.I dreamt about the women, Jenny, and about your old house. Only I didn't know that's  what the house was...... I panicked when you said you had the same dream."

"That's why you were acting funny.."

"...... Yeah."

"What else? Did you dream about anything else before that?" I lean across the table and lock eyes with her.

"........ N-No........ No, I didn't." I let up, but I know she's not telling the truth.

"What did you dream about tonight? It had to have been pretty bad for it to make you cry, because nothing can make you cry," I say  playfully.

She frowns and shakes her head. "I don't want to talk about it."

"Annie, what did you dream about?"


"Annie? What was it?"

"I'll tell you..... On one condition."

"What's this condition?"

"You don't tell Dean about this."


"No! We don;t know what this means, and he already has to worry about finding Dad, solving the cases we pick up, and worry about you and you having this. We are not gonna make this worse for him!"

"......... I.... Fine. I won't tell him." Annie relaxes and lets her shoulders slump.

"What did you dream about?"

"..... I dreamt about Dad."

I drop my soda in suprise. It hits the ground with a small clang and is followed by a soft fizz sound as the soda pours over the concrete. Annie jumps slightly.

"What happened in the dream? Could you get a clue as to where he was?"

She shakes her head as fresh tears begin to trail down her cheeks in two steady waterfalls.

"I...... I had a dream where Dad...... Where he....."

"Annie. Where he what?"

She locks eyes with me, "Where Dad died."

I freeze, not knowing how to respond. ".. H-How did he die?"

She shakes her head. "I don't know. All I remember is a bright light and then a hospital. Then someone saying 'John Winchester, time of death 10:41 am.' That's it......"

I get up and set down next to her. "Annie, it was just a nightmare. Nothing is gonna happen to Dad."

She nods and I give her a hug.

"Let's go back inside and pretend to be asleep so Dean doesn't freak. Alright?"

"Alright." We go back in the motel, and within a few moments I manage to fall asleep myself.


Hey guys!!! Sorry for the late and short update, but I wanted to update for you guys :)

I made a few changes to Home part 1, so if this confuses go back and reread that part and it should make sense. The gif thats with the picture was just for fun and is supposed to be like "Suprise!!! Annie has powers too!!!"

Please feel free to comment and vote and please stayed tuned for the next part!!!!!

Thanks to all of you guys! Stay awesome!


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