Faith (part 3)

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Annie's POV

I gasp as I'm shaken awake. Dean and Sam are on either side of me, shaking me.

"Say something! Say something dammit!" Dean says. I cough and struggle to look around. As I look up, I see a man in a dark suit. His face sends chills down my spine and freezes my bone marrow. I cough and sputter and finally manage to sit up with the help of Sam and Dean.

~Not even gonna say, y'all know what this is~

"So you really feel okay?" Sam asks as he turns from the door. I'm sitting on one of those bench-table-like examining things they use in doctor offices, which is the first place we came to, the day after we visited Roy and his little "flock".

Dean and Sam are grinning like little kids in a candy shop (or grown guys in a strip club), but I stare vacantly at the ground. "I feel fine Sam."

"Well, according to all your tests, there's nothing wrong with your heart," The doctor says as she walks in. "No sign there ever was. Not that a woman your age should be having heart trouble, but uh... Still it's strange, it does happen."

"What do you mean strange?" I ask.

"Weel just yesterday a young girl like you, twenty seven, athletic- Out of nowhere, heart attack."

I furrow my eyebrows and exhale. "Uh.... Thanks doc."

"No problem," She says with a small smile. She leaves and then I look up at Sam and Dean, whose grins have faded to a shade less happy.

"That's odd," I say with a slight edge in my voice.

"Maybe it's just a coincidence," Dean says reassuringly. "People's hearts give out all the time, Annie-"

"No..... No, they don't."

"Look, Annie do we really have to look this one in the mouth? Why can't we just be grateful that the guy saved your life?" Sam retaliates. I stand up from the table and get within an inch of Sam's face.

"Because I can't shake this feeling, that's why!" I snap. I turn around and grab my jacket off the table and start to put it on.

"What feeling?" Dean asks.

"W-When I was healed....... I..... I just felt... So wrong, I mean I- it, it just felt so wrong.I felt cold and for a second........" I shake my head and sigh.

"And for a second what?"

"I saw someone.... This old man. I'm telling you guys, it was a spirit."

"But if there was something there, we would've seen it. Espeially me, I mean I've been seeing an awful lot of crap lately."

"Oh, excuse me psychic wonder. But you're just gonna need a little faith on this one. Look, I've grown up around Bobby and Dad long enough, and I've been hunting long enough to knowto trust a feeling like this."

"Yeah, all right." Sam says with a sigh.

"So what do you want to do?" Dean asks.

"Why don't you check out the heart attack chick, Dean and I will visit the Reverend."

~Need I explain what this is?~

Dean's POV

Annie and I are sitting in Roy's living room. Sue Ann is pouring everyone a glass of tea. Annie takes her and smiles at her.

"I feel great..... I'm just... Trying to, you know, make sense of what happened back there." Annie laughs a litttle at herself. Sue Ann hands me a glass which I take greatfully and she smiles down at Annie.

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