Home (Part 4)

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Dean's POV

"Sam!" I run over to him sit him up.

"Sam!" I slap him across the face and he wakes up, gasping.

"I'm okay! I'm okay! Let's go find the others!" We rush out of the room, after making sure to place the bag into the hole.

We run down to the basement to find Missouri struggling to push a table off of her. Sam and I help her out, and then we all run to find Annie. Annie is lying on the ground, a large bloody bruise on her temple.

"Shit!"  Sam and I run over to Annie. Missouri slams the bag into the hole that Annie made.


"Mmmm?" She slowly starts to sit up and looks at us.

"Stupid fucking spirits." I let out a shaky laugh, and Sam and I help her up.

~Le Time Skip~

"You sure this is over?"

Missouri turns to face Sam.

"I'm sure. Why? Why do you ask?"

Sam sighs. "Nevermind. It's nothing I guess."

We hear the front door open and close.

"Hello? We're home." Jenny walks into the kitchen and sees the mess and Annie's temple. "What happened?!"

"Hi, sorry. We'll uh, we'll pay for all of this...."

"Don't you worry, Dean's gonna clean up this mess." I stare at Missouri.

"Well, what are you waiting for?! Get the broom and get started! And don't you cuss at me!"I walk away, mumbling about her under my breath.

"I'll go help Dean." Annie walks up beside me and we get started.


"All right. So tell me again. What the hell are we doing here?"

"I don't know..... I just have this bad feeling."

"Why? Missouri did her whole Zelda Rubenstein thing. The house should be clean, it should be over."

"Yeah, well probably..... I just want to be sure."

"Dean, Annie! Look Jenny!" We look towards the house, adn Jenny is screaming, pounding away at the window.

"You guys get the kids, I'll get Jenny!"

We all run into the house. Sam and Annie rush to the kids' rooms while I rush to Jenny's.


"I can't open the door!"

"Stand back!" I kick down the door and Jenny stands a few feet behind it, looking terrified.

"C'mon let's go!"

"No! My kids!"

"Annie and Sam have got them! Let's go!"

Sam's POV

Annie and I run into Sari's room. Annie has a sobbing Ritchie in her arms. Sari is screaming in a corner.

"Come on! Don't look. Don't look!" I scoop Sari up and we to the downstairs bedroom.

"All right, Sari, take your brother outside as fast as you can, and don’t look back!" Sari grabs Ritchie form Annie but pauses.

And then Annie and I are pulled to the ground. We're dragged backwards with such force that we break the kitchen table when we hit it.

Dean's POV

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