Dead Man's Blood (part 4)

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Annie's POV

I pace the room while Dad sits at the table.

"It shouldn't be taking this long. I should go help."

"Sam and Dean've got it."

He watches me pace and lets out a sigh.



"I don't think I ever told you this but ... the day you were born, you know what I did?"

"Yeah. I do. You faked my death so Mom wouldnt know I existed and shipped me off to live with Bobby. And why? What suddenly made you decide to just off me? Huh?" 

He sighs, "Yes I did do that. And it's probably the one decision I regret the most. But you don't understand, I had to-"

"Did you? Did you really have to Dad?"

"Yes.......  I had this dream; this vision."


"..... In this dream, I dreamt that this thing, this monstrously big glowing beam, came and told me...."

I look at him. Tears trickle down his cheeks and he holds his hand to his forehead.

"Told you what?" I ask tentatively.

"...... That my daughter would be the end of the world."

I sit in shock. He looks at me with pleading eyes.

"I should've never listened to that dream.... But I had it over and over. It was hard to ignore...... But I guess that glowing orb was wrong, because if anything, you are gonna save this world Annie...... I just know it. After all, you are your Mother's daughter."

"............. Dad?"

"Yes, Annie?"

"What was she like? Mom?"

A ghost smile plays on his lips. His eyes look out the window and watch a silent memory slideshow.

"She was beautiful. You look just like her, only you have my dark hair. She was also funny, probably the funniest person I ever met. And she was a genius. If she was given enough time and the right equipment, she could've probably solved the cure for cancer........... I see little bits of her, in all of you. Sammy has got her genius, not that you and Dean don't, but god dammit that boy is smart. And Dean, Dean has her spunk and humor. But you, you got the goods of everyone. You're smart like Sammy. You're beautiful and caring like your Mom. You are just as smartassed as could be, just like Dean....... And well, I hate to say it, but you are as stubborn as I am."

I snort but have a few escaping tears running free on my cheeks. I wipe them away before looking at Dad.

"You forgot something."

He looks up and cocks his head expectantly.

"I've got the most broken, fucked up and sad little family ever. But I wouldn't want it any other way."

Dad grins and just then, Dean and Sam come in with a paper bag.

"Whew. Man, some heavy security to protect a bunch of dead guys."

"Get it?"

Dean pulls out a bottle filled with a dark crimson gloopy liquid. He hands it to Dad.

"You know what to do."


Dean's POV

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